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What, you don t find getting caught up in a hacker war immensely entertaining? You don t want to be the
innocent bystander caught in the crossfire of an rm command? Here are a few rules that can help you. But
remember, these are only the most basic of protections. We ll cover the industrial-strength techniques in
later Guides in this series, as well as how to catch the culprits.
Top Ten Beginner Defenses in Hacker Wars
10) Backup, backup, backup.
9) Assume anything is being sniffed, unless protected by strong encryption.
8) Assume your phone is tapped.
7) Never, never, ever telnet into your shell account. Use Secure Shell instead.
6) Pick a good password. It should be long, not a name or a word from a dictionary, and should include
numbers and/or characters such as !@#$%^&*. If you use a computer where others have physical access to
it, don t write your password on anything.
5) This applies to shell accounts: assume your attacker will get root control anyhow, so your password
won t do you any good. That means you should encrypt any files you don t want to have passed around,
and send your shell history files to /dev/null each time you log out.
4) Do you use the Pine or Elm email programs? Don t keep email addresses in your shell account. Your
saved mail files are a good place for cybernazis to find email addresses and send out threatening and
obscene messages to them. GALF specializes in this tactic.
3) Regularly patrol your Web site. You never know when it may sprout rude body parts or naughty words.
Preferably use a Web server hosted on a computer system dedicated to nothing but Web sites. Best of all,
use a MacOS web server.
2)Disable Java on your Web browser. Don t even *think* of using ActiveX or Internet Explorer.
And, the number one defense:
1) Join us Internet freedom fighters. It will take many of us to win the battle against those who want to pick
and choose whose voices will be heard on the Internet.
Contents of Volume 5:
Shell Programming
Guide to (mostly) Harmless Hacking
Vol. 5 Programmers' Series
No. 1: Shell Programming
Honest to gosh -- programming is easy. If you have never programmed in your
life, today, within minutes, you will become a programmer. I promise. And
even if you are already a programmer, in this Guide you just might discover
some new tricks that are lots of fun.
Amazingly enough, many people who call themselves hackers don't know how to
program. In fact, many el1te haxor types claim they don't need to know how
to program, since computer programs that do kewl stuph like break into or
crash computers are available for download at those HacK3r Web sites with
the animated flames and skulls and doom-laden organ music.
But just running other people's programs is not hacking. Breaking into and
crashing other people's computers is not hacking. Real hacking is exploring
and discovering -- and writing your own programs!
In this Guide you will learn:
* Why should hackers learn how to program?
* What is shell programming?
* How to create and run scripts
* Shell scripts on the fly
* Slightly stealthy scripts
* Examples of fun hacker scripts
Plus, in the evil genius tips, you will learn how to:
* Talk about the Turning Machine Halting Problem Theorem as if you are some
sort of forking genius
* Find instructions on how to create deadly viruses
* Set your favorite editor as default in Pine
* Link your bash history file to dev/null
* Keep simple Trojans from executing in your account
* Save yourself from totally messing up your .tcshrc, .bashrc etc. files.
Why Should Hackers Learn How to Program?
Back in 1971, when I was 24, I was as nontechnical as they come. But my
husband at the time, H. Keith Henson, was always talking about "buffer in,"
"buffer out" and assembly language stuff.
Keith was one of the earliest of hackers, and a hacker in the pure sense,
someone who wasn't afraid to try unusual things to save memory (a scarce
resource on even the biggest computers of the 1970s) or cut CPU cycles. So
one June morning, tired of me looking dazed when he came home babbling
excitedly about his latest feat, he announced, "You're going to learn how to
program." He insisted that I sign up for a course in Fortran at the
University of Arizona.
The first class assignment was to sit at a punch card machine and bang out
a program for the CDC 6400 that would sort a list of words alphabetically.
It was so fun that I added code to detect input of characters that weren't
in the alphabet, and to give an error message when it found them.
The instructor praised me in front of the class, saying I was the only one
who had coded an extra feature. I was hooked. I went on to write programs
with enough length and complexity that debugging and verifying them gave me
a feel for the reality of the Turing Machine Halting Problem theorem.
I discovered you don't have to be a genius to become a professional
programmer. You just have to enjoy it enough to work hard at it, enjoy it
enough to dream about it and fantasize and play with programming in your
mind even when you aren't in front of a keyboard.
Evil Genius tip: The Turing Machine Halting Problem theorem says that it is
impossible to thoroughly debug -- or even explore -- an arbitrary computer
program. In practical terms, this means that it super hard to make a
computer network totally secure, and that it will never be possible to write
an antivirus program that can protect against all conceivable viruses.
For a more rigorous treatment of the Turing Machine Halting Problem theorem
-- yet written in language a non-mathematician can understand -- read the
"Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses" by Dr. Mark Ludwig, American Eagle
Publications. This book will also teach you how to write the most deadly
viruses on the planet -- or programs to fight them! You can order it from
http://www.amazon.com. Warning-- in order to fully appreciate this book, you
have to know assembly language for 80x86 CPUs. But it is the most
electrifying computer manual I have ever read!!!!
That is the heart of the hacker spirit. If you are driven to do more and
greater things than your job or school asks of you, you are a real hacker.
Kode kiddies who think breaking into computers and typing f*** every third
word while on IRC are not hackers. They are small-time punks and vandals.
But if you aspire to become a true hacker, you will become a programmer, and
reach for the stars with your code.
What Is Shell Programming?
If you have been following the earlier Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking
(GTMHH), you are already familiar with many fun Unix commands. Shell
programming is writing a file that holds a sequence of Unix commands, which
you can run in your shell account by typing in only one line.
Newbie note: Don't know what a shell account is? Unix leaves you scra tching
your head? You *must* have a shell account to learn shell programming. You
can get one for free at http://sdf.lonestar.org. Just set up a PPP
connection and telnet into Lonestar for your Unix fun! However, Lonestar [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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