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the demand of the second day.
The Eight Sub-Princes being invoked, you shall make unto them the
same demand and the same admonition which you have (already) made unto
the Four Sovereign Princes. And further you shall request from these four, that
is to say, from Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, and Amaimon; that each of them
shall assign and consign unto you your Familiar Spirit, which from the day of
your birth they are compelled to give unto you. These will be given and
The Sacred Magic
furnished unto you with their dependants and will afterwards obey you. It is
for you to demand from these the other Spirits which you may wish to have;
but seeing that they be infinite in number, and one more skilful in service than
another, one for one matter, another for another; you shall make a selection of
the Spirits whom you wish, and you shall put outside upon the Terrace a
written list of their names for the Eight Sub-Princes (to see), and you shall
require from these (latter) the Oath, as you did from the Four Superior
Princes, that the following morning they shall have to appear before you
together with all the Spirits whose names you shall have given in writing, and
also your Familiar Spirits.
the demand of the third day.
The Eight Sub-Princes having presented all the Spirits as you have
directed them, you shall command that Astarot with all his following shall
appear visibly in the Form which the Angel shall have prescribed unto you;
and immediately you shall see a Great Army, and all under the same Form.
You shall propound unto them the same demand, which you have already
made unto the Princes, and you shall cause them to take Oath to observe the
same; that is to say, that every time that you shall call one of them by his
name, that he shall at once appear in such Form and Place as shall please you,
and that he shall punctually execute that which you shall have commanded
him. All having sworn, you shall put outside the entry of the Door, all the
Signs of the Third Book which belong unto Astarot, alone, and make him
swear thereon, also ordaining unto them that in cases when it may not seem
fit unto you to command them verbally, that as soon as you shall take one of
these Signs in your hand and move it from its place that the Spirit marked in
the Sign shall do and execute that which the Sign beareth, and that which your
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intimation joined thereto shall indicate; also that in the case that in the Sign
none of them shall be specially named, that all in general shall be obliged
promptly and readily to perform the Operation commanded; and that if also
in the time to come, other (Signs or) Symbols be made by you which be not
here included, that then also they (the Spirits under Astarot) shall be equally
bound to observe and execute them also. And when the Oath hath been taken,
cause the Prince in the Name of the rest to touch the Wand.
After this, remove those Symbols from the Doorway; and call Magot,
and after him Asmodee, and lastly Belzebud; and act with all these as you
have done with Astarot; and all their Symbols having been sworn unto, put
them aside in order in a certain place, so arranged that you can easily
distinguish one from another, as regards the subject, operation, or effect, for
which they have been made, and unto which they belong.
This being done, you shall call Astarot and Asmodee together, with
their common Servitors, and shall propound unto them their Symbols; and
Of Abramelin the Mage
having made them swear in the forementioned manner, you shall call in
similar fashion Asmodee and Magot, with their Servitors, and shall make
them take oath upon their Signs in the aforesaid manner.
And thus shall you observe this method with the Four other Sub-Princes;
but first of all convoke them with their common Servitors, and make them
swear upon the common Signs, then Amaimon and Ariton together, and
finally each one apart, as in the first case.
And when you have put back all the Symbols into their proper place,
request from each of these last Four your Familiar Spirit, and make them
repeat its Name, which you shall at once write down, together with the time
during which they shall be obliged to serve you. Then you shall propound
unto them the Signs of the Fifth Chapter of the Third Book; and shall make
them not only swear upon these Symbols (collectively), but also each one
(separately), that from this time forward he will observe duly and with
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