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the door open.
 I do not know why you must go to the other room to change. I have kissed, nibbled, and
licked every part of that delicious body of yours. No need to hide it from me.
 Yeah, but if I change in front of you, we will never get out of this room, and I don t know
about you, but I need some damn answers about what the hell is going on with me. Lying easily,
hoping he didn t see through it, in truth she had spent too many years being by herself and
avoiding everything male to be comfortable changing in front of him.
Stasia dressed and headed down the stairs in record time. Her body still sore from her
transformation but the knowledge she was no longer mortal was a huge weight off her mind.
Over thinking everything had been one of her vises when she was a mortal, but now as an
immortal with super abilities, the load tripled. Most had stared at her, thinking her a freak in her
previous years, now she couldn't help but wonder if it would be more so in the immortal world.
In her ear, Devlin whispered,  You were never a freak bandia, just in a world which you did
not belong. I assure you that you will always be revered in this world as you so deserve.
Pausing to nibble her lobe then kiss away the sting, he intertwined their fingers and started back
down the hallway.  As for what fate awaits you; you re not alone, we will face it together as
mates should.
The Thrice Princess 71
Trying her best to take her mind off her fate, Stasia squeezed their still joined hands to get
his attention.  What does bandia mean?
 It means goddess in Gaelic.
 Oh. I like it, even more, coming out in that beautiful Irish brogue of yours. How is it that
you ve lived so long yet keep your native accent? With a wink, she continued down the hallway.
I return to Ireland every sixty years or so to live until I reach an age where mortals would
start to notice me not aging and move away again.
 When is that? I mean when you stop aging?
 I was twenty-eight years when I grew older no longer.
 You look older then twenty-eight.
 Yes, well that my dear bandia, is because I have lived centuries and they show in my face.
But, I find myself looking younger and younger every time I look at you. Winking and giving
her one of his handsome grins with the tip of his fangs lightly peeked out between his full lips.
 So, am I going to look like I do the rest of my life? Raising her free hand, she rubbed it up
and down her face.
 I do not know, but more than likely. Why? Do you not find yourself lovely?
 No, I just don t look forward to being carded for the rest of eternity.
 I assure you my dear, you will have no need to be, carded as you put it, once you learn your
 What if I don t want to learn how to use my powers?
 Why would you not? Halting them with a slight jerk of their joined hands, he stopped
them just outside the library door.
 My whole life people have looked at me in fear and disgust because of the minimal amount
of gifts I had before. Now that I am supposed to be all-powerful, how do you think they are
going to look at me? I feel at home in Mystical Kind, but once word gets out of my so called
fate. No one is going to be like they have been. I just want to be normal, not some god demon
creature that is supposed to rein peace on earth.
72 Drea Becraft
 My sweet, you will never be looked at as a freak. Mystical Kind is unlike the mortal realm,
we worship power in an individual, we show high respect for those in powers. Your fate will only
make you held more in esteem; no one would dare treat you bad.
 Yeah, out of fear. With that, she opened the door to where her friends and family waited.
Mathis stood by the fireplace talking with the vampire king. Not only had he been her rock
for so many years, he was also her brother and one of her best friends. Stasia knew she would
have been lost a long time ago without him, and it was great that he and the vampires were
getting along just to appease her.
Jazzy sat by the window basking in the moonlight like she did many nights. Her wings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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