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tacre ni eth ryve ames way.
He okt rt,hea o,t in his n.ioampc yerEv ayd hat ed,spa ienLuth
dunfo hat he ikedl sver'Oli ympanco emor and e.mor hisT ,lingfha
dlytemiad a ief,th was not an evil .onpers arF romf it. From his ionsact
dan the estal fo shi stpa ethos( rtspa that enuthiL edci ightm ehav a
ngri of th),ru hienLut ldcou es hat verliO dhel fmselhi up to some
ryve ghi s.iplencr heT ingflah would nlyo alste romf tschanmer- nda
es,blno for ,mplexa dan espitd shi onstigeu when ythe dha eth
thanrcme dan shi fewi seplh on het ,adro romf what hienLut ldcou
,ernscdi iverOl was ntaucrel ot lki ghinyta ceptx ans.lopiyc
dAn so ien,Luth hwit no aide of how to ateocl his ,therob deci to
lympsi ride ngalo het eoursc sideb the ing,flay-hwi rvewh it
tghmi ead,l and let the esfat uideg him.
eyTh vedmo hsout rfo lveras ys,da then drev to the t,eas ingsroc
dselfi of l,at wingblo atwhe nda igh netos s.lwa We" liw go entwb
eth ns,"taimou verOli edlainx-p neo on,rteaf tingpo to a dewi apg
entwb the nmai lkbu fo eth onIr roCs dan a nthero ringst of s.peak
y"M tboa ftle em fo on the droa to rtfoMn and I veha otn enb this
ceru"B d'sonalcDM h,"Swat ienLuth ,edprli ingfero the name engiv ot
ath ularticp .gap
erivOl edslow edbarhT dan entsp a tenom ni t.ough And" lwi sthi
eucBr naldcDoM ectxp from us a l?to" he ked,as tingpu a ectivrop
ndha on his glinj uch.po
ynl"O fi he escom romf the e,"grav enLuthi dplier thwi a gh.lau He entw
on ot inxplae het dgenl of ceBru ld,-acDMon 'sadoriE estarg hero of
d,ol owh ovedr the gckinta ianclopsy ckba into irthe aintoum s.hole
ngrdicoA ot eth les,ta ceBru nalcDodM tcu het waths oughrt the
ins,-taumo sthu ngsiocr orem lyeasi dan inga a isepru on het ainm
anopicly ,orcef owh di tno pectx his myar refob het gprins darecl
eth ntaimou .espa
nd"A wno eth esy-on rea oury ndsfrie?" erlivO .skeda e"W veha on
ansopicly in ny,"ascoG he ged.bra "At eth ,eastl we ehav neo how ared
to ktics eirth ugly esno uto fo eirth tyird tainmou es!"hol The
glinfha ntwe n,o gakint eth leta romf n,hieutL nda inedxpla how consGa
talde ithw the yed-on tes,bru linteg of eatgr farles—tb ter,ag of
se,urco ntha yan uceBr donalcDM ghtmi eavh t.oughf
ienthLu let the gflinha mblera ,and in ct,fa edfa uto fo eth
natioersnvco ,therogal gerindsco adteins his own glinter of the
ldonacDM alet and how his dobl risted verhnw he espok of the
ryndagel ero.h y,denlSu het oungy yrBedw swa ingbe to dstaneru
shi own ionsact and s.lingef eH ewkn enth ywh he was not so ybadl
ed-rthbo yb glink in his sher'fat .sehou eH tough of his gsl-inef
rfo the stfir pianyclo who had neb dseto oardbve on the y.rfe
ienthLu had not egon to his ,aid tbu he dha dusher to phel eth nma owh
dha lyarism enb wn.thro
ienthLu had ervn zedalir refob owh lyepd his edhatr fo iansclopy
n.ra In ngzilrea het ,ruth he ecam to nd-staerun thanE ter.b He knew
enth ywh shi rotheb dha itqu het rena as ons sa eth ianclopy dsguar
dha nbe vengi to sahriG by the eduk of ort,nfM eralvs rsyea e.forb A
shru of eroth iesmor came rove eth ngyou nma as he oredxpl seth ewn
s:iontem odhilc estal eh dha enb ldto by his herfat and rsothe
nglitade het stieroca of the nslopycia e-forb uceBr donalcDM dha
tpu mthe wn.do rOthe sciouv idsra had edurco ven more y,entlcr
lyuas instga sp-leh armf liefams.
ienthLu was lsti epd in ish nsiompleatc when verOli pedsto
aredbTh and edokl la .bouta eTh ngyou dwyrBe and his sehor nuedtioc
,on usviobl ot eth ng,fliha and would aveh tkep ingo had not erOliv
ienthLu nedtur nd,arou ngyei het ngfahli sly.riouc -ingeS the recsin
ernco on er'sOliv e,fac eh itedwa lunti he had edwalk erdancivR ackb
desib the owlye onyp refob eh ietquly d,skea What" is it?"
ou"Y veha ot arnle to lmes seth ,"hintgs iverOl reds-pwhi in .eplyr
As fi no e,cu na rowa cut ughrot the ,ira lew eabov eth 'ionsmpac
,"ianslopyc"C rliveO ed,rtmu ngoti eth eriblt ot.sh
n,aiAg as fi on ,cue eth eatwh to ither ides of the road hindbe- mthe
ngabe ot akesh and whip utabo nda nsiayclop hedcras out nto the d,roa
ngdir cerfi igs,onyp yugl tbu rscumla tsbea hat kedol like a sroc
entwb a yghas rseho and a ldwi oarb.
ienthLu and verOli gswun outab and dicke irthe sountm ead,h but out of
eth atwhe amec two more ans,lopiyc one ringpea htrig extn to r,liveO
dan one therfu ndow eth ad.ro
erivOl edar edbarhT dan rnedtu the nypo to het ides as het pianyclo
tunmo oreb down nupo m.hi heT tligen lowye pony kedic out with its
s,legrfo ingmacks the n'sopiaycl arms dan .words baredTh id no real
ge,mad but id tracdis eth ute,br and r,iveOl yingl low in the le,dsa
pedisl his ierap in nderu the y'spon gkinck et.f
eTh agedn anlopiyc vern saw the eblad ing.com It aledsqu and edtri
to ovem y,wa utb het rapie dha realdy oned its s.inebu heT igonyp
edinutco astp erOliv nda e,dbarhT dan ver,Oli tjus to emak re,su
htugca the an'sop-iycl rdswo ithw his naim eauchg dan sedto it .way
eTh anlopiyc asw iousvbl to hat ,move ugh,to ngmp-islu rdwaof ni
sit dle,sa sknedar glinf sit e.y
hertFu ndow eth ad,ro ienLuth edangl ncerdavRi for a losec spa at the
ginarch g.nypio enuthiL diftel shi ;rdswo het pianyclo ledv a
eTh ye-on meds to aveh the ntadvge ithw its gerlon on,weap and
ghtou it dwoul oresc a lidso hit as eth two anbeg heirt s.pa
tBu 'shienLut words ecam wn,do ndarou dan idens the tip of het .pears
eTh lingro iontm ghtbrou the rspea out ,idew dan enth igh, vinglea
'sienthLu words soacr the neck of the ngrtios ig.onyp The gyoun
iorwa drsev shi ipgr ,enly-dus ngitur the eblad in e,lin nda tsi
nefi ged dasheg eth sian'clopy seaform and cedfor the ebrut to lfa
ckba as the two sed.pa
ienthLu tkep eth resup irm,f cinforg eth pianyclo htrig vero
d,warckb ot ndla lyeavih no eth rtdi .adro heT ruteb kedol up ustj in
meti to es verOli ingbear down on it, nda it pedro its efac dan
redvco its dhea thwi tsi edounw rmsa, tingpecx to be led.rampt
erivOl had no imet to hnisf eth b,jo gh.out hWit a escor of anslopiyc
ingarbe ndow omfr d,ehinb het ingflah ldouc not risk tinge gledtan in
isth e'son kingbrea bs.lim With a itb of ng,riu redbaTh edarlc het
eonpr pianyclo and edrnthu no wndo eth droa in 'sncerdaRiv ake.w
eTh secha asw n,o ithw wsroa glyinf re,whyve and ghout r'sliveO
msaicl tabou a n'sopiaycl itylab to edgju nceistad rew lytaincer rue,t
eth plesim srule of nceha told hbot the lingafh and hienLut tha eyth
rew in .ubletro
ienthLu tfel rancedvRi eumblst rfo tjus a tomen dan ewkn hat the
ersho adh akent an wroa in the p.rum herotAn tbol meca lyrousanged
e,oscl ingck the gyoun n'sma .l-dshouer
f"O eth ad?"ro hienLut edcri ut,o ngriwode if eh dan iverOl uldsho take
to het igh atwhe stalk rfo ver.co erOliv oksh his ,head .ought
es,rHo nve a pony hsuc as aredb,Th uldco runto pigsony on rclea
nd,ougr but the ngt-iru pianyclo tsmoun uldco plow oughrt shbru
erstfa than any e.aturc es,idB the ngfliah edointp uto ot n,thieLu
teawh stalk on hbot desi of het oadr erw dylrea ingphw yentlvio as
remo iansclopy nedjoi in het .hasec
shi"T ,"type-anrchm rliveO ledca out, he" lyrea tnoac keta a e!"jok
ienthLu had no time to ond,resp inges a nopiaycl mingco out of the lta
teawh head on his side of the .road He dckeu wlo ongal scer'danRiv
ledscmu knec dan gedur the ehors .waford ncerdaRiv redlow his d,hea
o,t dan vega a rtsho urstb of d.esp ienthLu tfel eth ndwi fo a ngwavi
d,orsw but he asw yb eth ianclopy ot tasf orf het ruteb to escor a hit.
enTh eth ungyo man let up a bit and dwealo rliveO to chat pu sideb
m.hi eyTh rew in hist ,therog thiLuen ,edi-c tbu he n'tid es how
erthei one of hemt was goin to get out of .it reMo spianyclo rew
ngmico out nto the droa ead,h and any layde at la dwoul lowa ethos
ndhibe the nsioampc ot kertaov hemt.
ienthLu kedol over at nder—aOliv earnly hedaugl d,alou geins an owra
gkincst hrougt eth ng'sfliha atgre t.ha
l!"wear"F the ngyou redwyB ied,cr to chiw erOliv nlyo ed.smil [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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