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dispersed in silence, some few walking with the mourners back to their own
habitation, but respectfully leaving them at its entrance. The pedlar and Katy
were followed into the building by one man, however, who was well known to the
surrounding country by the significant term of  speculator. Katy saw him
enter with a heart that palpitated with dreadful forebodings, but Harvey
civilly handed him a chair, and evidently was prepared for the visit.
The pedlar went to the door, and taking a cautious glance round the valley,
quickly returned and commenced the following dialogue--
 The sun has just left the top of the eastern hill; my time presses me; here
is the deed for the house and lot, every thing done according to law.
The stranger took the paper, and conned its contents with a deliberation that
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proceeded partly from his caution, and partly from the unlucky circumstance of
his education having been sadly neglected when a youth. The time occupied in
this tedious examination was employed by Harvey in gathering together certain
articles, which he intended to include in the stores that were to leave the
habitation with himself. Katy had already inquired of the pedlar, whether the
deceased had left a will, and saw the Bible placed in the bottom of a new
pack, which she had made for his accommodation, with a most stoical
indifference; but as the six silver spoons were laid carefully by its side, a
sudden twinge of her conscience objected to such a palpable waste of property,
and she broke silence by saying somewhat abruptly--
 When you marry, Harvey, you may miss them spoons.
 I never shall marry, said the pedlar laconically.
 Well if you don t, there s no occasion to be short. I m sure no one asked
you. I should like to know, though, of what use so many spoons can be to a
single man: for my part, I think it s a duty for every man who is so well
provided, to have a wife and family to maintain.
At the time when Katy expressed this sentiment, the fortune of women in her
class of life consisted of a cow, a bed, the labours of their own hands in the
shape of divers pillow cases, blankets, and sheets, with, where fortune was
unusually kind, a half dozen of silver spoons. The spinster herself had
obtained all the other necessaries to completing her store, by her own
industry and prudence, and it can easily be imagined saw the articles, she had
long counted her own, vanish in the enormous pack with a very natural
dissatisfaction, that was in no degree diminished by the declaration that had
preceded the act. Harvey, however, disregarded her opinions and feelings, and
continued his employment of filling the pack, which soon grew to a size
something like the ordinary burden of the pedlar.
 I m rather timoursome about this conveyance, said the purchaser, having at
length concluded his task.
 Why so? said Harvey quickly.
 I m afeard it won t stand good in law; I know that two of the neighbours
leave home to-morrow morning, to have the place entered for confistication,
and if I should go now and give forty pounds and lose it all,  twould be a
dead pull back to me.
 They can only take my right, said the pedlar, coolly;  pay me two hundred
dollars, and the house is your s; you are a well known whig, and you at least
they won t trouble; as Harvey spoke, there was a strange mixture of
bitterness with the care he expressed concerning the sale of his property.
 Say one hundred, and it is a bargain, returned the man, with something that
he meant for a good-natured smile.
 A bargain! echoed the pedlar in surprise,  I thought the bargain already
 Nothing is a bargain, said the purchaser with a gratulating chuckle,  until
papers are delivered, and the money paid in hand.
 You have the paper, returned the pedlar quickly.
 Aye, and will keep it, if you will excuse the money, replied the speculator
with a sneer;  come, say one hundred and fifty, and I won t be hard;
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here--here is just the money.
The pedlar looked from the window, and saw with dismay that the evening was
fast advancing, and knew well that he endangered his life by remaining in the
dwelling after dark; yet he could not tolerate the idea of being defrauded in
this manner, in a bargain that had already been fairly made; he hesitated--
 Well, said the purchaser, rising;  mayhap you can find another man to trade
with between this and morning; but if you don t, your title won t be worth
much afterward.
 Take it, Harvey, said Katy, who felt it impossible to resist a tender like
the one before her, all in English guineas: her voice roused the pedlar, and a
new idea seemed to strike him.
 I agree to the price, he said, and turning to the spinster, placed part of
the money in her hand, as he continued-- had I other means to pay you, I would
have lost all, rather than have suffered myself to have been defrauded of
 You may lose all yet, muttered the stranger with a sneer, as he rose and
left the building.
 Yes, said Katy, following him with her eyes;  he knows your failing,
Harvey; he thinks with me, now the old gentleman is gone, you will want a
careful body to take care of your concerns. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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