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these were not apparitions, they were real entities, forces that were
individual, yet somehow making up the whole.
And he, Thom Kindred, for a few brief moments that felt like eternity (for he
sensed there was no time here in this place) floated among them, joined them
in their euphoric exaltations, feeling their warmth, their peace, their
quietude. But most of all he felt their devotion.
Then, having glimpsed the rapture, he hurtled back to the physical, back to
the forest, back to the arms of Jennet, and he was stunned by the moment,
stunned but not mystified, for he knew what he had witnessed. He knew he had
been allowed a glimpse, a privileged insight, of something profound. Thom
immediately understood that this had been Jennet's gift to him, that she had
taken him to this place, and as tears dampened his eyes, he realized it was
not casual, it had some future purpose and it was this that
became the new mystery.
'Jennet...' he began to say, wondering about its significance.
'Hush, Thom.' She soothed his neck, his cheek, for he had lifted his face from
hers so that he could study her eyes. 'No need for words. Just feel now, Thom.
Let your mind and body soar again but together this time.'
And he did. He returned to the physical once more, driving into her, softly at
first, then with more and more abandonment. And that was when the faeries
joined them.
At first, he just felt their lightness on his bare back, on the flesh of his
arms and legs, a brushing sensation that aroused more nerve endings that until
then had remained dormant, not part of the lovemaking. These subtle touchings
caused him to shiver, but it was with pleasure, as if his skin were exposed to
tiny feathers, the faery wings beating against him and the vibrations of
minuscule bodies that were comprised of pure energy prickling his flesh in a
kind of tormenting bliss. He moaned with the delectation of it all and Jennet
joined in with her own sighs of delight, for the exposed parts of her body
were receiving similar attention.
Thom felt the turmoil inside his groin racing towards its peak; it felt as if
everything inside his body, every sinew, nerve and all its juices, were being
drawn to one central point, to congress and reach a climax that would release
incredible energy, power even, in a union that was as giving as it was taking.
He began to cry out loudly, the feeling mounting inside beyond anything he had
ever experienced, and
Jennet's slender legs closed around him, hugging him tight without restricting
his movement. His fingers dug into the forest floor, churning the earth,
tearing the grass, as Jennet raised her hips towards him, almost lifting his
body, her strength surprising. Thom burrowed, pushing himself into what seemed
like endless depths, unaware that he filled her, that she felt there was no
more she could take even though she pleaded for more as she consumed every
inch of him.
The great tide began its surge and Thom almost screamed with its intensity;
and as it came, as his juices broke free to pour into her, Jennet did scream,
a shuddering sound that sent birds from branches into the air, caused animals
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in other parts of the woods to pause and look towards its source, drove the
faeries surrounding the two
naked writhing bodies into a last wild frenzy, their vibrancy brightening the
shaded parts of the glade.
And with the mutual orgasm and the magic - 'The strongest magic of all' Jennet
had whispered breathlessly to him - that was involved with it, combining in
creating an ejaculation that was both spiritual and physical, senses, thoughts
and feelings joining in one brilliant illumination of perception, Thom once
again glimpsed the rapture of before and understood that this vision was the
death experience. He had briefly perceived the beginning of life's end, the
first stage of a new yet timeless and inevitable journey for his kind and
every kind, an image of what was to come.
He had glimpsed the next doorway and the message was clear: there was so much
more beyond.
THERE WAS something wrong with the cottage, but he could not tell what it was.
Thom paused at the edge of the clearing, thick woodland at his back and all
around. From where he stood he could see the other path that led to Castle
Bracken, a bed of shaded bluebells crossing it, and on his left was the wider, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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