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Cárcel, La Leyenda Negra. Historia y opinión (Madrid, 1992).
[75] Ricardo del Arco y Garay, La idea de imperio en la política y la literatura
españolas (Madrid, 1944).
[76] Felipe Fernández-Armesto, The Canary Islands After the Conquest
(Oxford, 1982).
[77] John M. Headley, The Habsburg world empire and the revival of
Ghibellinism , in David Armitage, Theories of Empire, 1450 1800
(Aldershot, 1998) 66.
[78] Anthony Pagden, Lords of all the World. Ideologies of Empire in Spain,
Britain and France, c.1500 c.1800 (New Haven and London, 1995).
[79] Geoffrey Parker, The Grand Strategy of Philip II (New Haven and
London, 1998).
[80] What follows is drawn largely from Henry Kamen, Spain s Road to
Empire. The Making of a World Power 1492 1763 (London, 2002) (in
the USA, Empire. How Spain Became a World Power 1492 1763 (New
York, 2003)).
[81] John Lynch, Spain 1516 1598. From Nation State to World Empire
(Oxford, 1991) 212.
[82] Haring, Clarence H., Trade and Navigation between Spain and the
Indies in the Time of the Hapsburgs (Boston, 1918) 199.
[83] René Quatrefages, Etat et armée en Espagne au début des temps
modernes , Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, xvii (1981) 85 103.
[84] Geoffrey Parker, The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road,
1567 1659 (Cambridge, 1972); Spain and the Netherlands (London,
1979), figure 4, p. 28.
[85] Felipe Ruiz Martín, Los hombres de negocios genoveses de España
durante el siglo XVI , in Hermann Kellenbenz, ed., Fremde Kaufleute
auf der iberischen Halbinsel (Cologne, 1970) 85.
[86] Felipe Ruiz Martín, Gastos ocasionados por la guerra: repercu-
siones en España , in V. Barbagli Bagnoli, ed., Domanda e Consumi.
Livelli e strutture (secoli XIII XVIII) (Florence, 1978). Other aspects
of finance are studied by Modesto Ulloa, La Hacienda Real de
Castilla en et reinado de Felipe II, 2nd edn (Madrid, 1977); F. Ruiz
Martín, Las finanzas españolas durante et reinado de Felipe II ,
Cuadernos de Historia, anexos de la revista Hispania , 2 (1968); also his
La banca en España hasta 1782 , in El Banca de España. Una histo-
ria económica (Madrid, 1970); Antonio Dominguez Ortiz, Política y
Hacienda de Felipe IV (Madrid, 1960).
[87] C. J. Hernando Sánchez, Castilla y Nápoles en el siglo XVI. El virrey
Pedro de Toledo. Linaje, estado y cultura (1532 1553) (Salamanca,
Select Bibliography
1994), is a good study of perhaps the most outstanding of Spain s
[88] Antonio Calabria, The Cost of Empire. The Finances of the Kingdom of
Naples in the Time of Spanish Rule (Cambridge, 1991).
[89] G. Parker and I. A. A. Thompson, The battle of Lepanto 1571: the
costs of victory , in I. A. A. Thompson, War and Society in Habsburg
Spain (Aldershot, 1992).
[90] Chapter Three of Jan Glete, War and the State in Early Modern
Europe. Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-Military States,
1500 1660 (London, 2002).
[91] David C. Goodman, Power and Penury: Government, Technology and
Science in Philip II s Spain (Cambridge, 1988).
[92] Aspects of the navy are discussed in J. F. Guilmartin, Gunpowder
and Galleys. Changing Technology and Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in
the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, 1974).
[93] Henry Kamen, The War of Succession in Spain 1700 1715 (London,
[94] David C. Goodman, Spanish Naval Power, 1589 1665 (Cambridge,
1997); C. R. Phillips, Six Galleons for the King of Spain: Imperial
Defense in the Early Seventeenth Century (Baltimore, 1986); Stradling,
R. A. Stradling, The Armada of Flanders. Spanish Maritime Policy and
European War, 1568 1668 (Cambridge, 1992).
[95] José Alcalá Zamora, Historia de una empresa siderúrgica española: los
altos hornos de Liérganes y La Cavada, 1622 1834 (Santander, 1974);
a general survey in V. Vázquez de Prada, La industria siderúrgica
en España (1500 1650) , in H. Kellenbenz, ed., Schwerpunkte der
Eisengewinnung und Eisenverarbeitung in Europa, 1500 1650
(Cologne, 1974).
[96] Giuseppe Galasso, Alla periferia dell Impero. Il Regno di Napoli nel peri-
odo spagnolo (secoli XVI XVII) (Turin, 1994); Giuseppe Galasso and
Luigi Migliorini, L Italia moderna e l unità nazionale (Turin, 1998).
[97] Miguel Angel Ochoa Brun, Historia de la diplomacia española, 6 vols
(Madrid, 1999).
[98] Garrett Mattingly, Renaissance Diplomacy (London, 1955).
[99] De Lamar Jensen, Diplomacy and Dogmatism (Cambridge, MA.,
[100] M. van Durme, El cardenal Granvela (1517 1586). Imperio y revolu-
ción bajo Carlos V y Felipe II (Barcelona, 1957).
[101] Friedrich Edelmayer, Söldner und Pensionäre. Das Netzwerk Philipps
II im Heiligen Römischen Reich (Vienna, 2002).
[102] Paul C. Allen, Philip III and the Pax Hispanica, 1598 1621 (New
Haven, 2000).
[103] J. H. Elliott, The Count-Duke of Olivares (Yale University Press, 1986)
is largely dedicated to foreign policy. For interesting aspects of
secret diplomacy in this period, see M. A. Echevarria Bacigalupe,
La diplomacia secreta en Flandes, 1598 1643 (Leioa, Vizcaya 1984).
[104] William S. Maltby, Alba. A Biography of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo,
Third Duke of Alba 1507 1582 (University of California, 1983).
Select Bibliography
A recent short study of Alba is Henry Kamen, The Duke of Alba
(New Haven and London, 2004).
[105] J. A. Maravall, La oposición política bajo los Austrias (Barcelona,
[106] See [103]; the earlier essay by H. R. Trevor-Roper, Spain and
Europe, 1598 1621 , in The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. vi,
The Decline of Spain and the Thirty Years War (Cambridge, 1970) is
still stimulating.
[107] Peter Brightwell, The Spanish origins of the Thirty Years War ,
European Studies Review, 9 (1979) 409 31.
[108] José Alcalá-Zamora y Queipo de Llano, España, Flandes y el mar del
norte, 1618 1639 (Barcelona, 1975). An earlier article by the same
author is Velas y cañones en la política septentrional de Felipe II ,
Jerónimo Zurita. Cuadernos de Historia (1970 71) 23 24.
[109] Jonathan Israel, Conflicts of Empires. Spain, the Low Countries and the
Struggle for World Supremacy 1585 1713 (London, 1997); and his A
conflict of empires: Spain and the Netherlands, 1618 1648 , Past
and Present, 76 (1977) 34 74.
[110] R. A. Stradling, Europe and the Decline of Spain: A Study of the Spanish
System, 1580 1720 (London, 1981).
[111] Manuel Herrero Sánchez, El acercamiento hispano-neerlandés
(1648 1678) (Madrid, 2000).
[112] Hugo de Schepper, La organización de las finanzas públicas en
los Países Bajos reales, 1480 1700. Una reseña , Cuadernos de
Investigación Histórica, 8 (Madrid, 1984) 7 34.
[113] John L. Motley, The Rise of the Dutch Republic, published in the nine-
teenth century in several editions, but now conveniently available
as an e-book.
[114] Geoffrey Parker, Spain and the Netherlands 1559 1659 (London,
[115] C. H. Carter, Belgian autonomy under the Archdukes,
1598 1621 , Journal of Modern History, xxxvi (1964); Paul
Janssens, L échec des tentatives de soulèvement aux Pays-Bas sous
Philippe IV (1621 1665) , Revue d Histoire Diplomatique, 92 (1978)
110 29.
[116] Rosario Villari, La rivolta antispagnola a Napoli. Le origini
1586 1647 (Bari, 1967); A. d Ambrosio, Masaniello. Rivoluzione e
contrarivoluzione nel reame di Napoli (1647 1648) (Milan, 1962);
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