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He took her hands in his and kissed her on the mouth gently.  I did not deserve for
you to risk your life for me, but I thank you anyway.
She pressed her body against his, writhing her nakedness against him until his cock
was achingly hard. God, how he wanted her, this selkie who had stolen his heart away.
 Make love to me, she whispered into his ear.  I cannot stay with you, but we can be
together one last time. Here in the open air where I belong.
The invitation was too close to what he desperately craved himself to be able to
refuse. He shrugged off his sodden greatcoat and spread it over the grass.  Come, lie
down with me.
She shook her head.  I do not like your coat. I have a better idea. She lay her seal
skin out on the grass, sat down cross-legged on it, and patted it invitingly.  Come, join
me here.
Her every word, her every simple movement, was more erotic than his wildest
fantasy come to life. Without taking his eyes off her, he kicked off his boots, shoved his
breeches over his hips and pulled his shirt over his head.
Leda Swann
Her seal skin was soft and warm and rippled slightly under his weight as if it were
still alive. He lay on his back on the warm fur and pulled her on top of him. Her skin
caressed his naked back, while her warm body lay atop his own, sprawled over him as
if she belonged there.
He put his arms around her and held her close. There was no question about it
she did belong there. No one else had ever made him feel so right or so whole.
Or so hard.
He shifted her a little on his stomach to give his already engorged cock room to
grow even further. If he did not make love to her right now, he was going to explode.
He just knew it. There was only so much desire a man could take before it mastered
him, and he became a slave to the demands of his loins, instead of the other way
around. He was fast approaching that point.
Her nipples were peaked and hard. She gasped as he slid her up his body so he
could reach them, and take them into his mouth.
If his desires were not so urgent, he could have sucked on her breasts all day and
night.  You taste better than cherries, he groaned, as he finally let them free.
She lay on top of him, her body plastered against his, feeling the power of the wind
and the waves rise in her. She no longer wanted to make the elements rage and roar for
her sake, for pity of her tied to a life that she could not lead. With a gentle touch of her
mind, she raised a gentle breeze to chase away the lowering rain clouds and let the
bright sun shine through in a clear blue sky.
The sun was warm on her back as it dried off the last of the misting rain. Stretched
out in the sunshine, languid and unhurried now that she was so close to fulfilling her
desire for this man again, wanted these moments of perfect peace and even desire to
last for hours, days even. There was no greater happiness than to have him in her arms
and to have his mouth on her body, tasting her as if she were a delicious feast set out for
him to enjoy.
Her nipples were flinted pebbles with the suckling of his mouth and her pussy was
wet with the joy of his touch.
She brushed her nipples against his, and was rewarded with a low groan as his
became as hard and tight as hers. It was good to know she had such power over him.
His nipples were not the only part of him that was hard and tight. She shifted on
him a little, reveling in the feeling of his hardness against her belly. He was as hard and
unyielding as stone, and she was suddenly beset with an urgent desire to taste him, to
taste the scent of the sea that was part of him.
Slowly she slid her body down against his, licking and tasting him as she went,
until she reached where she wanted to be.
Crouched in between his thighs, she bent her head and took his cock into her
She closed her eyes in bliss as her lips closed over his shaft. By all that she held
dear, how she had wanted this. She sucked gently on him, reveling in the salty taste and
the iron hardness of him.
Her own pussy was dripping with the delight of having his throbbing cock in her
mouth. Not breaking the suction of her mouth for a moment, she rubbed her thighs
together, aiming for some measure of relief for the urgent desire that was building in
He moved upward, holding his shoulders and torso just off the ground and took
her body in his arms.  Come here to me, he ordered her, pulling her mouth off his
She had not finished, not by any means. She ached for his salty come in her mouth
and the knowledge that she had pleasured him in such a way.  I want to taste more of
you, she complained, resisting his efforts to move her.
 You can taste as much of me as you want. His hands on her hips, he turned her
body around so his mouth could reach her cunt.  But do not be a greedy-puss. I want to
taste you too.
Leda Swann
And then he took his mouth to her pussy and licked her clit in long, slow licks until
she was trembling with need and any thought of complaining had gone right out of her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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