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Oh no.
I feel sick.
I try to stop my hands trembling; I don t want Hogan to see a reaction. If he does, I m not getting
out of here.
 H-h-how can you rig their club?
Hogan snorts.  I put security in the trees over from the main gate, I ll see when they arrive and
call that meeting, and then I ll show up and fuckin kill the lot of them. They won t see it coming.
God he rigged it. He had it all worked out.
 What happens after that? I ask, keeping my voice steady.
 Whoever lives, I will take and fuckin torture.
I shudder.
 Go back and find out when that meeting is called. I want you to call it in, just in case my cameras
miss it. I want perfect timing. Chances are they ll go on lockdown. I want to know when they do. You
call me as soon as they do. If you don t...
 I will, I say quickly.
 Move, I want information as soon as you have it.
I nod, rushing out.
When I get outside, I feel my breathing beginning to intensify. I call a cab, and get it straight to the
compound. By the time I arrive, I see Jackson and the guys are back. There s about thirty bikers
combined, standing in the dirt talking frantically. Addison and Ciara are listening, eyes wide. Shit.
Shit. I have to do this now. I have to tell Jackson. This is the moment I have wanted to avoid for so
It feels like I m walking in slow motion as I edge towards them. Jackson notices me first, and
begins walking towards me. I put my hands up, and tears begin thundering down my cheeks. He stops,
his eyes narrowing. Everyone turns to watch us, and I know not only am I about to tell Jackson, I m
about to tell an entire MC club that I betrayed them. My knees shake as I come to a stop. I feel sick.
My entire body is shaking and I am struggling to breathe.
 Serenity, baby, are you ok? We need to get inside. It s dangerous right now. Hogan is alive. It s
not safe.
 I know, I rasp.
Jackson shakes his head.  What?
I take a breath, and I open my mouth and speak loudly.  I know Hogan is alive, and I know he s
planning an attack. The reason I know this, is because...
 No, Jackson roars, shaking his head frantically. He knows even before I say it.  Fucking no.
 I m his daughter, I finish.  And he sent me here to find out information.
My voice breaks on the last sentence, and my knees tremble so heavily I have to use the car
beside me to steady myself. The look on Jackson s face literally tears me in two. There are so many
looks that can break a person s heart, but seeing betrayal on the face of someone you love, is heart
wrenching. I hear the cocking of guns, and I see all thirty bikers, including Muff, pointing their guns at
me. My legs give way, and I fall to my knees in the dirt.
 Daddy! Addison cries.  Don t hurt her!
 Why the fuck not? Jackson roars, turning to Addison.  She s a fuckin spy. She s been feeding
information all this time.
 You can t kill me, I whisper.
Jackson s head whips around.  Shut your fuckin mouth!
 You can t, Jackson, because I m pregnant!
Everyone falls silent, a few bikers curse.
 What? he rasps.
 I m pregnant.
His fists clench, and rage fills his expression.  Do you think I want a bastard fucking child with a
lying cunt like you? It s probably not even mine, you re a fuckin liar!
His words hit me like a blow to the chest. I yelp loudly, and before I can blink, Addison is in
front of me, shielding my body with hers. I am rasping as I struggle to breathe, his words penetrate
every shield I ve ever put up, and they crush me in a way all the beatings and abuse in my life never
 You re not shooting her, she screams.  If you shoot her, you shoot me. That is my baby brother
or sister in there, you WILL NOT kill it.
Jackson stares at his daughter, his hands are trembling, his body jerking with rage.  Move,
Addison. You know the club rules.
 You re going to kill someone you love!
 She betrayed me! he bellows.
 I lied! I scream.  I lied to him. I never gave him information that was correct. I lied!
 It doesn t fucking matter! Jackson screams.  You fucking betrayed us.
 I had no choice, I yell so loudly I hurt my own ears.  I was afraid. He was beating me. I had
NO CHOICE. He was going to kill Ebony, and he wouldn t have thought twice about it. She is my
family. I couldn t let anything happen to her. I had no way out. Haven t you ever been trapped, with
no way out? I cry loudly.  Well haven t you?
Jackson s gun is in the air, pointing at me, but his hands are trembling. I get to my feet, my knees
wobbling, and I walk over, standing in front of him and pressing the end of his gun to my head.
 Do it, you fucker. Shoot me. If you are going to do it, then do it quickly. I won t go back to him,
so you ll be doing me a favor.
Jackson trembles even more, and the gun rattles against my head.
 Serenity! Addison cries.
 Don t kill her, Jack s.
It takes me a moment to realize who is speaking, and then I see Spike step forward. He walks
over, his boots crunching in the dirt.
 Don t kill her.
 Why not? Jackson rasps, his words thick, his eyes frantic.
 One, because you fucking love her. Two, because we can use her to find out what Hogan is up to.
Three, because I ve seen the man in action, I ve seen him kill in cold blood, and I can t imagine what
her life was like growing up with him. You kill her, you ll regret it forever.
I close my eyes, waiting for Jackson to shoot me. When I feel his gun lower, my body slumps with
relief. I might not die today, but I ve lost the man I love. The pain in my heart is beyond anything I ve
ever felt. It burns. It hurts so badly. I open my eyes, and see Jackson panting with rage, his eyes...oh
god, his eyes are glistening. I fucking broke him. I. Fucking. Broke. Him.
 She s got your baby inside her, you kill her, you re killing your kid and we all know you ain t
gonna live with that, Spike says gently.
 Who s to say it s my kid, he growls. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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