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his knees and grasped his face, licking his seed off Pablo with contented moans.
That shit right there, it mattered.
Too much.
When he finished cleaning up Pablo, Dev stood and held out a hand. Pablo took it
and got to his feet.
 Take me to your bed. I want to fall asleep in your arms.
Upstairs in his bedroom, after hurriedly washing his face in the bathroom, Pablo
stripped and climbed onto the bed. A shower would have to wait for another time
when he didn t have Dev in his bed. They came together under the covers, hot skin on
hot skin, heavy arousals trapped between their bodies, but it wasn t about sex. Dev
settled in the crook of Pablo s arm, his head on Pablo s chest. Pablo hugged him close
and dragged his heel down Dev s leg, which nestled between Pablo s thighs.
He dropped a kiss on Dev s head then stared up at the ceiling.
All things he d never done. He did it again, kissed Dev s head. Except this time he
dallied, stayed longer, inhaled the scent of his lover s hair.
Against him, Dev was already asleep, his heartbeat a soft, steady drone. Pablo
closed his eyes and counted each beat.
They mattered.
* * * * *
A tap on his shoulder jerked him awake. Pablo grunted and rolled over, right onto
the hot, naked body pressed up to his side.
Pretty boy.
 Hmm. He cracked his left eye open.  What s up? He rubbed against Dev, his
dick already stirring as he inhaled the other man. The room was shadowed; the sun
must not have risen yet. Pablo frowned.  What time is it?
 A little after four. Calloused fingers touched his nape.  I have to go.
Well, that wiped the sleep from Pablo s eyes quickly. He turned on the bedside
lamp and stared at Dev across the pillow. The other man s dark hair was tousled, his
sleep-heavy eyes and the shadow of an incoming beard making him appear dangerous.
Sexy as fuck.
He ached to drag the man back into his arms and pound him into the mattress until
they didn t know names or dates. Instead he swallowed.  Okay.
Dev regarded him silently, his eyes searching as if for some deep, dark secret.
Sinner, Savior
The corner of the man s mouth curved up in an impish smile.  I m thinking I ll need
a little something for the road.
Dude. His dick filled, throbbed against his thigh.  Yeah? He inched closer to Dev
and buried his face in his neck.
 Yeah. Dev caught his face in his hands and kissed him, deep and sweet. Pablo felt
it all over his body, on his skin, in his bones like an electric current.  Get your rubbers,
get that lube and let me ride you.
Well fuck. Pablo kissed him this time, taking control, fucking his tongue deep into
Dev s mouth as he reached behind him and felt around the nightstand. He kept
supplies in the top drawer, but he d never had a chance to use the rubbers, only the
lube, and that was only to prep himself for his own fingers.
To slick up his own dick as he fucked his fists.
Dev threw a leg over him, grinding their cocks together. Pablo grunted into the kiss,
knocking down whatever the hell he had on the nightstand as he fumbled to open the
damn drawer.
A sound of frustration escaped him and Dev chuckled against his mouth then broke
the kiss.
 Here, let me. Dev stretched across Pablo, trapping both cocks between their
bodies as he recovered what they needed. He tried to shift away and Pablo caught him
around the waist, held him still and grinded on him, slow and sweet.
 Ah fuck! He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. Shit was way too damn
good.  Condom. I need to fuck you.
Dev made an agreeable sound, eyes wide as he ripped open the condom with his
teeth and smoothed it over Pablo s jutting shaft.
 Oh Jesus. Pablo thrust forward, his body shaking at that touch. He arched his
back and gripped the sheets, tearing at them while Dev popped the cork on the slick
stuff and drizzled it over the condom. He watched through slitted eyes as Dev lubed his
fingers then reached behind him.
 Nnngh. Dev rocked back on his fingers.
 Goddamn, pretty boy. Pablo tugged on Dev s hip.  Get your ass up here before
you have me coming on myself. I need in you.
 Yes, Dev breathed. His burning gaze pinned Pablo to the bed as Dev straddled
his thighs.
Heart in his throat, Pablo remained immobile as Dev circled him and pointed his
cock to that slick back entrance. His head bumped Dev s opening as Pablo damn near
 Oh fuck. Take me deep, he panted.  Take me inside you.
Dev sank his teeth into his bottom lip, still holding Pablo s gaze, and sank down.
Avril Ashton
Too fucking much.  Sweet God! Nobody had ever felt like this, so hot and tight,
muscles sleek and unyielding. Made specifically for Pablo.
He canted his hips.  Do it.
Dev eased up then sank back down, this time taking Pablo all the way.  Yes. Dev
trembled.  You re so deep. He leaned down until his hot breath fanned Pablo s face.
 Make love to me.
Pablo surged up into him, grinning when Dev s breath hitched and his lashes
fluttered.  I m not a fan of making love, pretty boy. I fuck and when I do, he winked,
 I do it hard.
Dev kissed his throat.  You sure about that? He rocked back and forth, slowly.
Sensually.  Because right now, Castillo, you sure do know how to make love. He
kissed away Pablo s reply and linked their fingers.
Pablo abandoned talking and let the man writhing on top of him set their pace. Dev
moved up and down on him, clenching his hot chute around him.
 I love how you feel inside me, Dev murmured.  Hot and thick and so hard. He
threw his head back and shuddered.  I can feel every inch of you.
Pablo clasped his hips and thrust up. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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