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there. Who would have known they'd come so far in such a short time?
"Do you like it?" he asked huskily, caressing her arm with the tips of his fingers.
"I love it, especially because it's from you," she said sincerely.
"No one else could slide a ring on that finger now, ever," he murmured. "Apart from me when we
get married, of course."
She smiled just as her phone buzzed with a text message.
"It's from Sam. She said she'll be home soon. She's leaving the function centre now to catch a
Kris was glad that Sam was enjoying herself and meeting new friends in Sydney who were also in
the food industry. The cooking class she went to that night, conducted by a high profile celebrity chef
and attended by many in the industry, must have finished two hours ago, but Sam had stayed to enjoy
drinks with whomever she met there. When it came to her passion, the extroverted Sam came out.
"I do hope Sam goes through with moving here so she can be with us and that she has enough
courage to follow her dream. I know she's finding it hard to disappoint her parents," she said to Trey.
"She certainly looked keen with what you girls had planned."
"Could you imagine Adam and her pretending to be a couple?" she snickered.
"You never know. Dylan didn't expect to fall in love with Ari, and I certainly didn't expect to be in
a relationship, let alone want to get married. You girls seem to have this indefinable something that
makes us fall in love with you."
"You think something could happen between them? That would be good," she said, excited by the
Trey chuckled dryly. "We can only hope. Adam quite likes women who are aggressive. That's why
he ends up with the not-so-desirable ones, because they chase him and chase him until he gives in. I
think he's addicted to being chased."
"Oh. What about Sandy? Are they well and truly over?"
"In Adam's mind, they are. But like Adam said, Sandy's like a dog with a bone when he's
involved. I think he's flattered by that."
"Anyway, let's not talk about them, I want your mouth for something else," Trey said seductively.
"Oh, yeah? What for?" she asked, pulling herself up and settling on top of him. She felt his
burgeoning erection and deliberately brushed it with her leg.
"Anything, as long as you put it to work on my body," he croaked.
Hmm. She ran hungry eyes on his delectable body. She couldn't believe this hunk of a man was
hers. All of him. He might still be a long way away from being an excellent dancer, but she was more
than happy and ecstatic, and satisfied, and contented with the way he moved in bed.
That thought reminded her of something. "You know," she said to him. "Since I won our original
bet, you didn't have to dance in front of anyone."
"I know that. But I wanted to show off my newly developed skills," he grinned. "I knew it would
make you happy," he added softly.
She smiled at him, her heart bursting with love.
Oh, yeah. She definitely wanted to put her mouth to work on his body. It would make both of them
very happy indeed.
Thank you for reading!
Secret Tastes (Secret Dreams Book 4), the love story of Samantha Lane and Adam Craig is
expected to be published in January 2014.
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(This is a free book. Click here to download from your preferred site).
The Love Story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews
Victor will be there with me, looking like his usual gorgeous self. He assured me he'd be very
attentive. Everyone will see how mad we are for each other. Well, hopefully, that's what they'll
see. Surely this will work. It should stop my dear sister from going ahead with her matchmaking
plans. If it doesn't, well, plan B is to die from embarrassment. It will work, Clarise Carson thought
confidently before taking a deep sigh and returning her focus to her last piece of work before she
ended the working day.
After a final review, she was done with her latest article for Lifestyle by Design, the popular
monthly magazine read by those with loads of disposable income keen to know which restaurants and
bars were worth going to, which exotic destinations they could holiday in next and which new gadgets
they must own to make their busy lives easier.
She was still salivating at the memory of the glorious food she had at Stillwaters, the newest
restaurant in Sydney, owned by an upcoming Australian chef, and the latest establishment she had
researched and reviewed.
Yes, she nodded. They definitely deserve this glowing article. She knew the new restaurant
would soon have a very long waiting list of patrons wanting to dine there once next month's issue
became available.
Satisfied with her day's accomplishments, she shut off her laptop, grabbed her handbag and
walked into the office of Victor Michaels, the magazine's very good-looking head graphic designer.
"I'm done for today, darling. Are you ready to go? I'm starving," she said to Victor. "I'd also like
to talk to you again about Megan's engagement party this Saturday night. Seriously, if you can't go with
me, I don't know who else to ask," she said, voicing her worry.
"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. And of course, I'm going with you to your
sister's party," Victor replied with a grin. "I'm really excited about it. I'm already looking forward to
meeting your family and showing them just how much I want you," he said in a low, sexy voice.
If it hadn't been Victor who made the comment, she would have blushed. Instead she laughed and
settled herself on a chair and waited for him to finish.
Renewed hope flowed through her. Having Victor for her date should stop Megan's plan to
introduce her to single men at her and Rick's engagement party. Who knew how many of them they had
invited? And it was supposed to be a small affair only! She shuddered at the thought of being
introduced to a line-up of bachelors, with everyone there knowing what was going on. That would be
way too embarrassing!
I wouldn't make a spectacle of myself, even though Megan thinks she's only doing me a favour.
She had wondered why Megan was so intent on playing matchmaker. She wouldn't be surprised if
their mum was in on it, too. Both of them must have felt sorry for her when she broke up with Daniel,
especially when she'd asked if she'd ever meet 'The One'. She winced. She could still remember her
conversation with her mother.
"Don't worry, darling, maybe Daniel's not really meant for you."
"Do you really think I'll ever find 'the one', Mum? You know, like you have Dad and Megan has
"Of course, you will! You are gorgeous and you are beautiful on the inside, too. Somewhere out
there, there's a man just for you. And I'm not saying that because I'm your mother. But you won't
find this person if you don't go out enough! Most of your contacts are work-related and you have
such strict rules about not dating anyone connected to your work. You should socialise more,
Her mother hadn't hidden the fact that she was worried she would end up a spinster and would
have no one to share her life with. With her track record of hardly going out on dates and her past
relationships not lasting more than two and a half months her time with Daniel being the longest
she shared her mum's concerns.
Ruefully, she remembered the time when she and Daniel took her parents out to dinner. At twenty- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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