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ild.html (200 of 340)17-2-2006 3:20:56
The one-eyed warrior nodded. "I know where the medic is in this ville. I'll
take you."
Mildred rose to her feet, turning to Krysty. "Keep an eye on him," she said
with a trace of worry in her voice. "It'd be just like the crazy buzzard to
buy the farm before telling us something important."
JAK KNEW exactly where he was headed. He had listened to Doc's story, and
although finding it hard to fully understand the rambling tale, he could grasp
enough through the old man's excitement to realize that it was vitally
important that Ryan know of it. So he sent Doc back to the unit to tell his
tale, while the albino took it upon himself to find Dean.
As with many things, Jak would have found it impossible to explain why he knew
Dean wouldn't be with the others. But something was telling him that Dean had
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gotten himself into big time trouble. He knew that his little exploration of a
few days before had whetted the boy's appetite for the ville, and for nosing
out his suspicions of Jenna and her activities. In a way, Jak wished he hadn't
mentioned the metal door at the end of the isolated corridor.
Sure, the albino had gotten drunk the night before, completely insensible. But
not before some alarm bell in his brain had registered the fact that he had
Dean wandering on the periphery of the main hall. The youngster wasn't taking
the opportunity to get drunk in fact, there had been a clearness to his eyes
and bearing, even at such a distance, as to suggest he was staying sober for a
And although Jak hadn't mentioned this to Doc, he had an idea what that
purpose may be.
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Jak's instincts had imprinted the route to that isolated corridor on his mind,
and he had an almost perfect recall. The fact that he still had so much
alcohol running through his system failed to slow him.
There were few people about; only those who were going about their daily
tasks, those vital to the running of the ville. The other inhabitants were
still shaking off the aftereffects of their celebrations. So Jak had few
people to delay him, or to ask awkward questions.
But a few could be more than enough. On the way to the corridor he sought, Jak
made a few detours mostly to throw off the suspicion of any who may be
observing him, and partly to scout any areas where Dean may have ended up if
he had taken a wrong turn. The youngster was good, but not yet that good.
Jak had hoped to find Dean lost, as he worried about the time lag between
Dean's disappearance and his search beginning. If the boy had found the door
and had gotten beyond, then his not reappearing was a bad sign.
A bad sign that got worse as Jak neared the beginning of the corridor. It led
off the last few desultory units, occupied by those who could no longer
complete any useful tasks for Raw. They were given food and shelter still, but
necessity and the harsh mode of life even in such a fair and ordered
society meant they were exiled to areas where others didn't wish to live.
From the units, Jak could hear snoring and groaning as the celebrations took
their toll on the old and infirm inhabitants. It would be useless to ask them
if they had seen Dean. Even if it wouldn't arouse suspicion, it was doubtful
whether many of them could remember their own names at this point.
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But at least it left the way clear for Jak to move on unobserved& or so he
As the albino approached the curve of the corridor, a figure stepped from
around the curve and into the poor light.
"Hey, Whitey what y'all doing here, then? Get a little lost or something?"
Jak stopped, his pitted and scarred white face set like marble, giving nothing
Harvey stepped forward. His gait was casual, but there was a faint tenseness
to his body language, a tightness to his movement that told Jak the sec chief
was anxious beneath his seemingly calm demeanor. "Y'all not talking to me? I
didn't know you white muties got mute, as well as mutie."
Jak's anger rose like a thick bile from his stomach to his throat. His fingers
twitched toward the concealed knives. With an effort of will, he stayed his
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Harvey walked slowly around Jak. The tall sec chief towered over the albino,
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