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push just a little, since he'd find
out anyway. "His fuel cell room exploded. I can't help wondering if there's a
similarity there.
Chiang didn't change his expression. He just nodded. "I want to look into that
as soon as I can. Thanks.
Be back to you. Our agreement still stands. You get first notice.
Then I was looking at a blank screen. Bimstein would probably kill me if he
knew I was sitting on what I
had. But he and I would be looking at a stiff privacy lawsuit if we broadcast
on what I had. And I
didn't feel like gambling that NetPrime would bail me out.
I had the feeling that there was definitely a connection between the deaths of
Smythers and Nanette
Iveson. Everyone who'd died besides McCall had one thing in common. They were
people who might
have known whatever secret McCall had known as a result of a client.
I frowned. There was something& something.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
It snapped into place. Caron Hildeo the junior associate of McCall's. She'd
not only gone back to
O'Bannon and Reyes. She'd been promoted. So, it had been one of McCall's
clients. It had to have been
Kemal. Kemal had the connections, and McCall had known something that
threatened Kemal.
I laughed to myself. Great& just great. All speculations. Not one single shred
of evidence, and not even
one thing that could be used in a newscast.
It bothered me, and yet& what could I do? There wasn't much. So I jotted down
two stanzas and
dropped them into my personal linkfile.
We have seen it all, what will be,
Yet no one else will turn to see.
We have written out who will fall,
Yet no one else will care at all.
We have no figures on the screen
no way to prove what we have seen
and so the earth will end its days
while ruled and rulers seek self-praise.
With that, and a sigh, I went back to Bimstein's assignment on Super-C.
Sometimes, the beauty of truth
and research didn't make it to those who needed it.
I hoped Chiang could find more than I had.
Chapter 39 Chiang
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By Thursday, I wasn't sure where the week had gone. ODs had gone down again
during the week.
Nothing from CDC. Nothing more that I could tie to the McCall case. Could feel
that things were
happening, but no signs showed up in DPS.
Took the white electral. Made another sweep of west-side. Came up with
Came back and found Parsfal's message. Worried about returning the call.
Wondered if he was going to
blow the story. Called him back anyway. He told me about Smythers's death and
the McCall connection.
He had good instincts. Wished we'd known about the connection earlier.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Sometimes luck doesn't come
to you.
Finished with Parsfal, and linked to the system. Searched for Smythers. Only a
routine report on the fire.
Wondered how much else Parsfal knew. Probably not a lot. Newsies would cast it
if they knew anything
that a solicitor would back. Neither he nor Kerras were blabbing. Meant they
might suspect, but knew
less than I did. None of us could prove squat.
Took a deep breath and linked to Kirchner. Kirchner& Chiang here. Hoped he'd
answer. Be easier
that way.
What do you need, Chiang?
Quarantine and complete workup on a fire site. Smythers& this morning.
There was a moment of silence. Mind if I ask why?
Just appreciate if you'd do it. Once we get the results& let you know. Also,
I'll be sending some
techs as well, specialized.
You really think this is linked to McCall?
I didn't answer.
Couldn't be anything else, could it?
Could be& might not be.
Your ass, Chiang.
Better mine than yours.
Kirchner laughed.
I didn't bother with a link on the next. Just rushed out past Sarao.
"On my way to tech. Probably to the captain's office after that. I took the
ramps fast. Not a run, but a
stiff walk all the way to the tech side.
Duty tech sergeant was Sorgio, not Darcy. Would be a little easier.
"Is Tech Specialist Moorty available for a rush job, Sergeant?"
She frowned, but her face blanked, checking the link. "He's just coming up
from the garage, Lieutenant.
"Good. I'll be needing him.
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