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Reese chuckled.  I am not moving to Maverick County.
 Famous last words, Melanie said with a smile.
Jake clapped Quinn on the shoulder.  Give dad a call, Quinn. He s probably heard about
everything and will be heading this way if he doesn t hear from everybody.
 Fine. Quinn glanced at Dawn.  She stays out of it. Any of it.
 My word. Hawk s posture straightened. He and Quinn shared some man-look that did nothing but
irritate Dawn, but enough was enough, and she kept quiet for the moment.
Reese met Quinn at the door, and Quinn swung under his friend s arm to help him to the car.
 You re as much of a dumb-ass as the rest of them, Quinn could be heard grumbling before the front
door closed.
Jake turned to eye Colton and Hawk.  Well? Where s Meyer and does he know Hawk lives here?
Dawn paced by the fireplace, her mind spinning, her stomach lurching. The guys had left shortly after
noon, and they hadn t called through dinner or even after. It was almost ten at night, and no word from
them was about to kill her.
Melanie sat behind her, quietly contemplating the crackling fire.  How can they still be at the
sheriff s station running down leads? Dawn muttered for at least the tenth time.
Melanie shrugged, appearing calm, but lines cut into the sides of her mouth.
A knock sounded on the door, and Dawn hustled to open it. She stood to the side okay, so maybe
some of Hawk s wariness was rubbing off on her and checked the peephole. On the porch stood one
of Hawk s ranch hands, loaded for bear, along with Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Poppins. She undid the
locks and dragged open the storm door.
 Oh my. Men with guns, Mrs. Poppins twittered, pushing inside, a crinkling brown bag in her
hands. Her track outfit was lime green with orange sparkles, and even her puffy white coat had been
bedazzled down one arm.  We had Kurt drop us off on his way home from making coffee.
Dawn helped Mrs. Hudson, who glittered even more than Mrs. Poppins, inside before nodding to
the ranch hand. His lips twitched, but he closed the door.
 Let me take your coats, Dawn said, manners drummed into her from day one. She took both
jackets and hung them on hooks by the door. Mrs. Hudson set down a big bag in order to hand over
the coat, and then picked it back up.  How is Mr. Bullton?
 Stubborn as a bull. Mrs. Hudson smiled widely.  But he gets to come home tomorrow. I may, ah,
stay over and help him to recuperate.
Dawn hid a smile.  That would be mighty nice of you.
Melanie struggled to reach her feet.  May I offer you ladies some tea or cookies?
 No. Mrs. Hudson waved Melanie back down.  You sit, dear. The babies will be here soon, and
you ll forget how nice it is to sit. She turned, a glimmering vision of vibrant purple.  We brought
some gifts for Dawn.
Dawn swallowed and waited until the ladies had taken seats before sitting. They d probably
brought more food.  I can t give Hawk food and pretend I made it. If nothing else, the guy knew her
Mrs. Poppins sadly shook her head.  Oh, honey. We re past the rule about trying to get to his heart
through his stomach.
Mrs. Hudson set down her bag and cleared her throat.  Nearly killing him took the bloom off that
Melanie coughed.  Um, what s going on?
Mrs. Poppins swung toward her.  Dawn hasn t told you about our plan?
Mel cut her a look and then shook her head.  Ah, no.
Mrs. Poppins twittered and dug in her shiny jean purse to draw out a photograph.  We stitched this
pillow for Dawnie so she d know how to get a man. More specifically, Hawk. It s time that boy
settled down.
Melanie took the picture and read. She pressed her lips together. Tight.
Dawn breathed in evenly through her nose, trying to avoid panicking. If Melanie laughed, Dawn
would join in, and she wouldn t be able to stop.  I ve broken almost all the rules, Dawn said, trying
to keep the laughter at bay.
Melanie smiled, her body shaking just enough.  You ve broken them all.
 Not the last one, Mrs. Hudson countered.  You can still give him control and then chase him  til
he catches you. Trust us. Her bony fingers wrapped around the brown bag.
Dawn stilled.  Um.
Mrs. Poppins stared out from coke-bottle glasses.  Now, a good sex life is nothing to be ashamed
of, Dawn Freeze. Even if you did start too early with Hawk and not wait for the ring. We can fix
 We surely can. Mrs. Hudson reached into her bag and drew out some bright red straps with a
harrumphing flourish.  These are, ah, restraints. She peered closer to read a tag on one end.  I think
they go under the bed and have cuffs.
Melanie lost it. Holding her belly, she threw back her head, and her entire body gyrated with
Dawn s mouth dropped open, and she started to pant. Oh God. This wasn t happening.
Mrs. Poppins frowned and squinted.  Surely you ve read current romance novels, dear.
Dawn slowly shook her head.  No, ma am. Not lately. The straps were red and looked strong. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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