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which packs any files you want into an so-called Reflector network node acts as a relay
uncompressed Zip archive and gives it an MP3 station for slow modem access, thus solving the
header. Which means the original Napster software problems of both parties. Firstly, the modem users
has been outwitted and at the same time a format are screened off and the speed of the network is no
for the other clients has been created. Now both longer affected. Secondly, they profit from the
founders have withdrawn from the project and are, direct connection to the Reflector and its file index.
fairly enough, giving away the source code. Sadly Next we shall take a look at a Java client, which
this cannot be downloaded from the site, and nor may not be GPL software but at least is available as
does it appear to be anywhere on the Internet. freeware to everyone for download.
One lonely voice in the Gnapster
channel: Nothing but log-in
The channel list in Knapster: Clear in
terms of both layout and the number
of chatrooms.
56 LINUX MAGAZINE 6 · 2001
ÿø055distributed.qxd 31.01.2001 13:53 Uhr Seite 57
The protective haven for modem
users: the Reflector separates out
part of the network and transmits
only relevant data to the clients
behind it
Small, strong, black: Gnut may not
look very imposing, but can do more
than many of its graphical brothers
Technically, the Mojonation client is a proxy
server written in Python. Which is why getting up
This Java client provides everything one misses from and running is not so simple as with other clients.
native C and C++ programs: Resumption of When the packet has been downloaded from the
interrupted downloads, high stability, even a Family homepage and unpacked, environmental variables
Filter, which can shield children from too much sex still have to be set and the proxy server and the so-
and violence. It can also keep different data formats called broker started. Only then can the program
separate from each other and search for them interface be accessed using a Web browser, which
individually. has been installed on the proxy.
Making several search requests at once is no The broker is the critical program. This governs the
problem. For each new search a rider is placed on transactions of Mojo with the Central Bank OLWA.
the results list, hosts behind a firewall being You get no money for uploading files. On the contrary,
highlighted in red. The program may punish those it costs Mojos to transfer files and even inquiring
who only like downloading files but do not offer whether a certain piece of music is located on a server,
any themselves, by denying them access to their draws one or two Mojos out of your account.
own files. Only those making disk space and computing time
The Linux version of the client is  just like the available can earn money. For this you have to offer up
versions for other operating systems  always up to to four different services on your computer, for example
date. But there are also the typical problems of a the Content Tracker, which searches an index of all files Napigator: OpenNap server list
Java application, long load times, difficulty of use, registered in it. Or the Block Server, which stores the http://www.napigator.com
and high demands on CPU power. files chopped into pieces and encrypted as blocks on dewrapster source code:
the hard disk. The Publishing Agent puts new content http://woggo.webfreekz.com/us
on to the network and also charges for this. The most ers/theo/dewrapster.c
lucrative services will be the Relay Server, since it Napfinder Home page:
Gnut is the complete opposite. As a lean command integrates all users sitting behind a firewall into the http://napfinder.sourceforge.net
line program it is started and ready to use on an network. It is consulted every time a user is in contact Reflector Home page:
average computer in half a second. This also means with the network. This service can only be offered by http://dss.clip2.com
that it automatically connects to the network and those not sitting behind a firewall themselves. LimeWire Home page:
can independently manage the list of known http://www.limewire.com
Gnutella hosts. Mojonation Home page:
It is fairly straightforward to use, for a command http://www.mojonation.net
line program. find or search starts a search for the So much for our panorama of the distributed Filesharing portal:
following word. The search can be stopped by landscape. Characterised by continuing change and a http://www.zeropaid.com
pressing any key. wealth of ingenuity, it will certainly come up with
many more interesting programs and ideas in future.  %  %
Get rich quick 
at least in Mojos
Mojonation is one network which has dedicated
itself completely to capitalism. Each transaction,
each search query costs Mojos (the imaginary
currency in Mojoland). But don t worry, as the
project is in the Beta phase, everyone making an e-
mail enquiry is credited with 10 million Mojos.
The Mojonation project is the first product from
the firm Autonomous Zone Industries (AZI), which
wholly owns the firm Evil Geniuses for a Better
Tomorrow Inc. Its Web site is tellingly called
6 · 2001 LINUX MAGAZINE 57 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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