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doing it to you. I was doing it to them. You were just in the way. I was out of control. I can't
do that."
Rase reached out and tugged at Gabriel's arm to get him to lie back down. "And I figured it
out after the fact," he said. "Maybe you were out of control, but so was I. I needed it so much.
I'd do it again in a minute, Gabriel." Just thinking about it was arousing.
It must have shown on his face, because Gabriel's eyes widened and he leaned in for a kiss, a
gentle one this time. "You're out of your fucking mind," he said. "Don't change."
Rase laughed and got his arms around Gabriel, pulling him down. "I'm too old to change," he
said. "Stay with me tonight?"
"I think I'd be too tired to drive," Gabriel said. "You wore me out, old man." He settled down
in Rase's arms and Rase pulled the blankets up around them again. Gabriel sighed
contentedly and nuzzled against Rase's chest. "Did you really punch Malloy in the gut?" he
murmured after a while.
Rase laughed into Gabriel's hair. "It wasn't one of my more mature decisions," he admitted.
"It was definitely one of the most satisfying. I'm just sorry I didn't punch him in the face, but
I thought he might sue me over that."
Gabriel laughed as well. "I can't believe you even thought of that," he said. "I never would
"Benefit of age," Rase murmured. "Besides, I don't get so many dates with hot young men
that I can afford to ruin them by getting arrested."
Gabriel laughed even harder and tweaked one of Rase's bruised nipples. "Now I know you're
talking crazy," he said.
"Then maybe I should stop talking." Rase rolled Gabriel over and kissed him slowly. Gabriel
didn't seem to have any objection to that. He wound his fingers into Rase's hair and kissed
him back, slow and sweet, until they both grew too sleepy to continue and drifted off in each
other's arms.
Chapter Thirteen
Rase woke slowly as the pain of last night's exertions crept in to his awareness. He needed to
get up and get some painkillers, but his back and thighs were a mass of knots, thwarting him
in the most ironic manner. The overwhelming awareness as he woke completely, though, was
that someone was warm in his arms. Gabriel was still sleeping soundly. Rase could see his
face in the morning light, soft and peaceful.
God, he was young; probably twenty years younger than Rase and beautiful because of it,
though beautiful under it as well. Rase kissed Gabriel's forehead and shifted, biting his lip, to
lie on his back. Gabriel rolled after him, nuzzling against Rase's bare chest. Rase sighed and
cuddled Gabriel against him, ignoring all the other little details of the pain he was in. That
made it all worth it.
Gabriel moved when the sun crawled out from behind the clouds to spill across his face. He
made an irritated noise and rolled off of Rase's chest, elbowing Rase in the ribs and kneeing
him in the thigh as he did. Rase couldn't help the low noise of pain he made as he attempted
to move away from the incidental abuse.
Rase decided he needed to get up, and now, before Gabriel woke enough to see him looking
his age, would be ideal. Carefully, he pushed himself to sitting, realizing how bruised he was.
There was no regret, though. Every ache made him warm in his belly. He sat on the edge of
the bed in the sun for a moment, then pushed himself to his feet and straightened by degrees.
Once he was standing, he bit his lip and risked stretching. His muscles screamed in protest
and his joints popped.
"Christ." Gabriel's sleepy murmur got Rase's attention. "I really fucked you over."
"I'm okay," Rase lied. He ran his hands through his hair and turned to look at Gabriel, self-
conscious in the morning light, bruised and aching and half hard with it.
"I'm getting you something proper." Gabriel pushed away the blankets and crawled over to
Rase. "A crop or a cane." He looked up at Rase, eyes intense through his sleepiness. "You'll
like the cane," he promised, his voice thick with desire.
"Yes, Gabriel," Rase breathed. He could feel his dick getting harder just from the tone in
Gabriel's voice. Unconsciously, he ran his fingers through his hair again and locked them
together behind his neck to stretch his shoulders out.
"I like that. Stay." Gabriel leaned over and, without warning, sucked Rase's cock into his
"Oh, fuck." Rase's body jerked and he almost lost his balance. Gabriel made a contented noise
and, still on all fours on the bed, proceeded to suck Rase off with incredible skill.
Gabriel licked and sucked, pulling back to tongue the head of Rase's cock, until Rase was
completely hard and moaning with it. He kept his hands where they were, not wanting to
touch Gabriel without permission. He had no idea what the rules were here, still; Gabriel had
his own set of them, and all of them made Rase happy.
Watching Gabriel in the morning light -- the enjoyment on his face, the way he looked
sucking Rase's cock -- was amazing. Gabriel was obviously lost in it, indulging some craving,
and Rase was blissful in indulging him, feeling that hot, wet mouth moving over his cock,
listening to Gabriel's low noises. Gabriel pulled away and looked up at Rase, then lapped at
the head of Rase's cock so that Rase could watch that soft, pink tongue against his dark, red
cock head. The sight made him shiver, made his balls tense, and his body ached for more.
"Fuck, you're so pretty," Rase whispered. He had no idea what he was saying, he just knew
that Gabriel sucking him off was one of the best things he'd ever seen.
Gabriel hummed with approval and set to sucking Rase down slowly, tonguing and licking
and purring all the way. He reached under himself with one hand and, though Rase couldn't
see, started stroking his own cock, and that just made Rase moan and shudder, knowing that
Gabriel was jerking off that way. It was hard to hold out with all that beauty to watch,
Gabriel's debauched and contented expression, his mouth wrapped around Rase's cock, his
muscles shifting as he jerked off.
Soon, Rase was moaning and rocking his hips, feeling shivers rise up in one wave after the
other. "Gabriel," he moaned, trying to warn his lover. He didn't want to stop, didn't want
Gabriel to stop. This was heaven, with the sun warm on his aching back and thighs and
Gabriel's hot mouth chasing over his cock.
Gabriel looked up at him, eyes almost innocent, and took Rase in down to the base of his
cock. His eyes widened and he moaned, body rocking as he jerked off faster.
It was everything Rase could do not to move. His back arched as heat invaded his spine and
belly, his hands clenched on each other at the nape of his neck, and he gasped Gabriel's name.
Gabriel swallowed, moaning, as Rase came in a hot flood of pleasure, never taking his eyes
away from Gabriel's face.
Gabriel sucked Rase dry, like he didn't want to stop. His hips moved hard as he fucked his
own hand now. When Rase got too sensitive and pulled out, he whined and licked at his lips,
looking bereft.
Rase didn't have permission, but he dropped to his knees anyway, licking Gabriel's mouth
and kissing him hard. His knees were screaming at him for the offense, but he didn't care. He
could taste himself and Gabriel at once, and Gabriel kept moaning into their kisses, reaching
that desperate pitch that said he was going to come.
"Please," Rase whispered against Gabriel's lips. He needed to taste Gabriel, hadn't gotten to
last night.
"What?" Gabriel's tone was thin to the point of breaking; he pulled away and sat back on his
heels, hand moving fast over his slick cock.
Rase leaned in and touched the tip of his tongue to the head, clenching his hands in the
sheets. "Please," he whispered again, looking up at Gabriel.
"Fuck. Fuck, that's& " Gabriel's body jerked, clear pre-come welling up out of the slit of his
cock. "& yes." His free hand cracked across Rase's cheek. "Open your mouth." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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