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hand.  Please let me do it. He set the shampoo out of Magnus reach.  Your hair drives me
crazy, especially now since it s grown out. The thought of running my fingers through it is
enough to keep me warm.
Magnus had meant to get it cut before winter break had started. The last week or so, he
hadn t been able to keep the curls from forming.  I don t like it curly.
 Why? Dane ran his soapy hands under Magnus arms to thoroughly wash his
Did Magnus dare tell Dane the truth? He could just as easily make up a lie, but staring
down into those big trusting eyes, he couldn t do it.  My mom liked the curls too, so she
rarely cut my hair. Unfortunately, my hair was the first thing my father reached for when he
was angry with me. I ve kept it cut short since I left home.
Dane reached for the bottle and squeezed shampoo into his palm.  Let me show you
what it feels like to have someone touch your hair out of love rather than anger. He reached
up and began to work the shampoo into Magnus hair.
Magnus watched Dane closely, wary of the gentle massage. Although Dane had said he
was touching him out of love, Magnus knew it was impossible. Love didn t really exist, not
in the way Hollywood portrayed it anyway. Sure, his parents had spoken of love once their
fights were over. It was always right before they disappeared into the bedroom for hours.
But soon enough the name calling would begin again. If that was love, Magnus wanted no
part of it; never had. His mom had told him she loved him on occasion, yet didn t even like
him enough to make sure he was fed.
 Does that feel good? Dane asked.
Magnus admitted to himself that he hadn t taken the time to process what the massage
was making him feel. He d been too busy questioning the motive behind Dane s actions.  It s
okay, he finally said.
Dane s blond eyebrows drew together.  Then I m doing something wrong.
Magnus shook his head.  It s not you. It s me. He rested his hands on Dane s
shoulders.  I told you, I don t trust people enough to let them in.
Dane stared up at Magnus for several moments.  Let s get you rinsed off. There s
something I need to show you.
While Magnus rinsed the shampoo from his hair, Dane quickly washed his own hair.
Once Magnus was finished, he reached for the liquid soap and began to wash Dane s body.
He worked efficiently until he reached Dane s cock and balls.
Dane moaned, and the joy of showering with someone became clear to Magnus for the
first time in his life. Dane didn t try to hide his need for more, and Magnus went further. He
wrapped one hand around Dane s erection while the other sought Dane s puckered hole. The
slick soap made entrance easy as he slipped a finger inside.
 Magnus, Dane moaned as he began to ride Magnus hand. Dane s eyes closed, and
Magnus understood what having the right kind of control over someone s pleasure felt like.
His cock hardened as he continued to please Dane. He d searched his entire life for the
pleasure he was suddenly experiencing for the first time.
Magnus added a second finger to Dane s hole. With a gasp, Dane opened his eyes.  I m
coming, Dane said, moments before Magnus hand was covered in the warmth of Dane s
The trust evident in Dane s expression pushed Magnus over the edge. The moment was
so incredibly pure that Magnus came with little stimulation to his own cock. As he gave in to
the emotions pounding against the thick wall around his heart, Magnus realised his life
would never be the same.
He buried his hands in Dane s wet hair and tilted his head up. Speech wasn t possible
because he had no words to describe what he felt. Instead, he tried to convey his new-found
feelings in a deep kiss.
The cooling water eventually broke the two apart.  Thank you, Dane whispered
against Magnus lips.
 I m the one who should thank you, Magnus answered in return. He shut off the water
and grabbed the two towels off the bar beside the shower.  I might need a nap before I make
Dane smiled and began to dry off.  First, there s something I need to give you. He
wrapped the towel around his waist and left the room.
Magnus quickly followed suit.  You don t have to give it to me now, he said, going
after Dane.
Standing in the doorway of his room, Dane paused.  Yeah, I think I do, he said
without turning to look at Magnus.
Dane continued into the room and pulled his suitcase out of the closet.
Magnus heart skipped a beat.  Are you leaving?
Dane set the suitcase on the bed and began to unzip it.  No, not unless you ask me to.
He opened the piece of expensive luggage and pulled out something wrapped in a towel.
Instead of giving it to Magnus, Dane hugged it against his chest and sat on the edge of the
bed.  I found this today. I m sorry I didn t tell you about it earlier, but I felt it was important
to look at it first.
 And did you? Magnus asked, stunned at the revelation.
 No. I haven t even tried to open it yet. Dane looked up at Magnus.  I m afraid of
what might be inside.
 Why? Magnus entered the room. He lifted the empty suitcase to the floor before
taking a seat beside Dane.
 Because once I know I can t unknow. He shook his head.  That probably doesn t
make any sense to someone like you.
 What do you mean, someone like me? Magnus hackles began to rise.
 You see the world in black and white. Finding out the mystery behind this plantation
is a quest, a job for you. But for me it s family history; that s my grey area.
As much as Magnus wanted to argue the dissection of his personality, he found he
couldn t. Dane was right: in his opinion, history was meant to be shared, the good and the
bad.  We ll open it together, he said. It was all he could promise at the moment.
Dane handed Magnus the wrapped package. The key in the pocket of his jeans no
doubt unlocked the secret treasure.  I ll be right back, Magnus said. He handed the box
back to Dane before returning to the bathroom to retrieve the key out of his jeans pocket.
As anxious as he was to open the box, Magnus knew it was something Dane should do.
He sat on the bed and handed Dane the key.  You do it.
Dane stared at Magnus for several moments before shaking his head.  Actually, I think
I d rather you did it. If it s something bad, I don t want to know. So, I m going to go
downstairs and start dinner.
Dane leaned over and gave Magnus a quick kiss before climbing off the bed. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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