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her mouth.
 Lovely I see that your old self is back. Though I would daresay that you would have had
to be a wee bit more careful when it came to being around your other paramours.
 You disgusting pig. Without thinking she raised her one hand and had it arcing in an
upward arc when he easily caught it.
 Now, now, dearest, you must learn to follow the rules of the game. His eyes were
flickering in the moonlight and damn it all if she didn t find herself entranced by their brilliance.
 Go to hell! I rue the day that I ever set eyes on you.
 Really? The day that you set eyes on me I d wager that you had your eyes set on
something else of mine as well. His horrendous innuendo hit home and she scowled and then
pursed her lips into a thin unreadable line.
 You are a vile horrible disgusting & 
 Oh do go on. I love it when you re all fired up, He murmured grinning and flashing his
teeth. She wanted to scream. So she did the next best thing. She ran away from him.
 Silly goose you won t get away from me. He said running in hot pursuit. She stumbled
through the deck and managed to make her way to the cabin without slipping once.
As soon as she was inside of the cabin she stared wildly around for something to bar the
door with. Finding the chest she was trying valiantly to push it over when the cabin door opened
with a resounding crash.
 This night you shall not have my mercy. A thrill arced up and down her spine.
Suddenly dry mouthed she stared up at him through half lowered lashes.
 I thought that only Antonio was a man without mercy.
 Nay he was only but one of the two wild pirates that roam that High Seas without any
mercy. He is one and I am the other. Although I guarantee you that by the end of the night you
will be begging for no mercy over and over again.
 Oh I m quivering with anxiety. She sized him up and felt her heart go pitter-patter. His
full breadth and wondrous size consumed the small doorway. She had been dreaming of this
night for the past ten years. Now he would be hers for the taking and there wouldn t be anyone to
take him away from her. She d be stuck with him completely once they stepped past the point of
no return.
 You do realize that I intend to ruin you.
 Oh aye and I shall take delight in every single moment. She knew that her answer had
I LL BE YOURS Marly Mathews 89
thrown him off guard for he seemed most perplexed.
 I am going to lavish every inch of your body with my lips.
 Is that a promise?
 You can be most assured it is. He moved toward her and threw his jacket off as he
went. She was no shrinking violet. She would not allow him to be the only conqueror in this
lovemaking. She was a free-spirited woman and she had been called a bluestocking on many an
occasion. She may as well prove to him that American-born women were just as hot blooded as
British-born women were.
They collided together as if they were two battling ships in the night.  Do you know how
long I have hungered for you?
 Is that why you truly kidnapped me? She was breathless and felt her world slipping
away from her when he undid her dressing gown. It slithered to a puddle on the floor and she
wished that she could go along with it.
 Nay that is not the reason. I took you because you are by far the most desirable heiress
in all of Christendom.
 Aye, I know. As I said before, there are many men that share your same view.
 How many? he asked. He broke away from her to stare deeply into her eyes. She
studied his cobalt blue orbs for a moment and felt her heart swell when that same damnable
muscle in his cheek twitched.
 None but you ever entered my heart. She buried her face in his chest and felt him
gently kiss her crown of curls and then he slowly moved his hands through it.
 You are by far the fairest woman that I have ever set my eyes upon.
 And Chastity? she asked. She knew that she didn t want to spoil their heavenly
moment but she had to know about the woman that seemed hell bent on destroying their lives.
 She means nothing to me. She never did. I only took solace in her arms when I believed
that you were unreachable. But now that I have you I ll be yours forever.
She listened to his heartfelt words and felt them sink into her very heart and soul. Here
was a man that was one of the most feared pirates in the world and he was brandishing his heart
on his sleeve for her. She was moved so much that she could feel tears welling in her eyes.
 A woman could fall in love with you when you speak so poetically.
 You are most welcome to fall in love with me. For you already have my heart. She
forgot to breathe for a moment. He was telling her that he loved her and she was standing by
stupidly trying to figure out what to say. She wasn t accustomed to being tongue-tied but for the
moment no worthwhile words were coming to her mind. He was her angel. He was her savior.
But who would have thought that her own kidnapper would end up pulling her back from the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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