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Hot tears ran down her cheeks, and she looked once again at Binne. "Why?" was the only
question that mattered.
The fairy made a face, and, for the first time, Tess saw how very odd the woman s face was.
"I went to Tir-Na-n-Og to wait for you. When you didn t arrive, I came back and found you
pulling Julie onto land. Contrary to popular opinion, not all of us are heartless. I lost you. Julie
won you. It seemed mean-spirited & literally & to let you both die."
Julie coughed again, then turned her head to vomit up another bit of water. Tess gently
patted her back, then hugged her close again. "We re alive, Jules. We re alive!" She cried
again, her sobs making her whole body shake.
Julie tried to smile at her, but she was far too weak. She whispered something, and Tess
leaned over to hear her. Then Tess sat up and said to Binne, "Julie wants to know what you did
to save us. Are we enchanted?"
Binne laughed derisively. "You humans always want to believe in the fanciful, even when the
simple solution is obvious."
Tess stared at her dumbly.
"I used CPR on her, ya fool! Not everything has to be fairy dust and spells, ya know." She
looked quite indignant, and Tess realized that the spell must have been enormously powerful
for her to have found Binne attractive in the first place, much less ravishing.
Binne nodded in Julie s direction. "You should thank your stars the river was as cold as it was.
You were quite dead, ya know."
Tess stared at the fairy, too numb with fear to speak. "Thank you," she finally murmured. "I
know you didn t have to do this."
Binne stood and brushed the lichen from her gossamer skirt. "True love is a rare thing, Tess.
No one, in heaven or on earth, should waste it."
Before Tess could blink, she was gone. In the distance, she heard voices and saw people
running towards them, flashlights illuminating a wildly bouncing path. "We ll be safe soon," she
whispered, leaning close to warm Julie s ear with her breath. The four leaf clover necklace
that Julie had given her the day they'd arrived in Ireland was cool against the wet skin of her
neck, reminding her of its presence. Tonight, however, Tess felt more blessed than lucky.
"We ll be safe and warm and together, Julie. Forever." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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