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bodies handle the eggs fine, there s still differences. They don t get the
horniness like we do in the last part of the cycle. There s some parts of it
that are unique to humans dealing with it. I think some of the shots they give
us when we re captured make changes in our body chemistry or something.
We talked all morning. Qhan checked on us occasionally, sometimes
just sticking his head in the door to make sure we were okay and that I was
staying in bed, sometimes coming in to ask Mark if we needed anything.
Acquainted with the Night 59
Nope. We had our milker and a soft, comfortable bed. Check and check,
we were good to go.
Since I tolerated the blue stuff at breakfast, they didn t want to press
their luck. My lunch was more of that, with the liquid. Mark had plenty of
fruit and something resembling cheese.
He grinned.  I m eating for two. Once they know how your system will
react, they ll give you more of the solid stuff.
 That just doesn t seem healthy, that we don t& you know& anymore.
 What, crap?
I nodded.
He shrugged.  Two years, and I m still alive. I m not complaining.
He had a point.
Master returned later that day, after we d had dinner. Qhan unhooked
me from the milker and handed it to Mark still attached, lucky bastard
while Master bent over and picked me up in his arms as if I weighed
 Did you tell him my legs work fine? I quipped.
Master carried me out of the room, Mark and Qhan close on his heels.
 He knows, but especially since this is your first time, they aren t taking any
chances. After the first two days, they ll let you back up again because
they ll know for sure everything s okay.
Master carried me into his luxurious bedroom. The bed, very tall, up
past my waist and more than large enough for several Algonquans to stretch
out in, was very soft and comfortable. He carefully laid me on it as he and
Qhan fussed over me. Qhan made Mark unplug himself from the milker
long enough for Master to playfully boost him into the bed, then they
hooked us both up.
It finally struck me the device was totally silent. I didn t know what they
did with what it collected, or perhaps it took care of that. I never saw them
empty it.
Qhan seemed to look around for the best place to set the device. Master
pointed at a chair in the corner. Qhan set it on the bed for a moment, brought
the chair over to the foot of the bed, then placed it there. We had plenty of
hose to move around with.
Those logistics handled, Master turned on a vid screen on the far wall,
and Qhan left us alone.
60 Tymber Dalton
I didn t know what to expect. First thing he did after stripping off his
clothes was to pat Mark s ass. He rolled over and stuck it in the air as
Master leaned in. I finally got to see that tongue up close and personal. The
sight of it sliding inside Mark allowed the milker to pull another orgasm out
of me.
Once Master was satisfied at whatever he needed to check, he carefully
got into bed between us, cradling both of us to him.
I thought about trying to watch the vid, but I felt really sleepy and
noticed Mark had rolled onto his side, clinging to the huge man.
I did the same on my side. Master placed a kiss on the tops of our heads,
and before I drifted to sleep, Mark reached across his chest and laced his
fingers through mine.
The last thing I remember before going to sleep was hearing Master s
pleased chuckle and the good boy sound.
Acquainted with the Night 61
Chapter Seven
I awoke early the next morning, wrapped in Mark s arms. We were
alone in the bed, and it surprised me when I realized I felt a little sad Master
hadn t woke us up to say good-bye.
I closed my eyes as the first orgasm of the day hit me.
Okay, bonus, no giving up sleeping late to visit the wank closet.
 He ll be back, Mark sleepily mumbled, nuzzling his head against
mine.  He sometimes goes out to exercise early.
 Oh. I felt better about that. After all, why would you wake a pet to tell
them you were going jogging?
Mark reached back to a shelf on the headboard and found a remote
control for the vid screen.
I couldn t do anything but cuddle with him and watch. He listened,
translating for me. It was a news and information program, very much like
what I was used to seeing back on the ship. There was no rah-rah pro-
Algonquan propaganda about the war, just stated facts and reminders to all
citizens who hadn t yet done their duty to make sure they visited their local [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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