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her, plastering hard male flesh against her.
His mouth sealed her lips in a rough kiss that stole her breath away. His tongue surged forward on her
frightened gasp, moving inside like a conquering bandit, stealing her breath, her protestation, her will to
do anything but lay there and have him impale every one of her orifices.
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He growled into her mouth, animalistic, angry. Fury seeped from every pore. Cole pushed at his chest,
fighting for relief from his onslaught, to excited to truly struggle as she should. He caught her hands,
bringing them up above her head on the floor, clamping them together with one great hand around her
She was pinned, vulnerable and helpless to his invasion of her senses. He propped on the arm that
bound her, using a knee to roughly part her thighs, bringing his free hand down between them to grasp
one leg and haul it around his hips.
He stroked his tongue in and out of her mouth. He jerked his groin, grinding up against her spread cleft.
Cole gasped, sucking his tongue as he plowed that hardness through her soaked folds, striking her clit
like a hot iron.
Flames licked at her insides. Her pussy trembled, burning for his rod to sear her insides, for his seed to
quench the welcoming fire.
He tore his mouth from her own, hungrily gnawing her jaw line with his lips and tongue as if he would eat
her alive.
"What comes when the slave betrays the master? he growled against her ear, sucking the lobe between
his lips and teeth.
Cole writhed beneath him, moving her legs against his hips, striving to free her arms from the manacle of
his hands.  Punishment? she asked, moaning as he ground hard against her clit, bruising her swollen
"Pain and pleasure are much the same in equal parts, he said harshly, scoring the tendon along her neck
with ravaging thoroughness.
She shuddered at the sensual promise in his words.  It's pain enough not having you inside me, she said,
making hurt, whimpering noises as he slid up and down through her labia.
He grunted in response, shifting his hips until his cock nudged her vaginal opening.  Why should I give
this to you? he growled.
"You want it as much as I do? she said, breathing heavily, tightening her thighs around him.
"You are more trouble than you're worth, he murmured huskily.
He held still, looking down at her, his hair tangled over his shoulders, across his forehead in wispy
strands. Sweat beaded on his skin, on her own. She couldn't meet his gaze and the torture she saw there.
The pressure built inside her until she thought she'd die from waiting for him to complete her. Cole grit her
teeth against the pain clutching her insides.
"If you don't fuck me now, I'll brain you in your sleep, she said, clenching and unclenching her hands as
if that would help.
A slow, satisfied smile curled his lips.
"Sharmin, she warned when he continued looking down at her.  I can't stand it! she panted.
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He moved his hips in a circle, making her muscles twitch. She bared her teeth at him, knowing she
deserved this. It still wasn't going to save him from an ass kicking later.
He nudged her opening, gritting his teeth as he worked the wide head of his cock inside. Cole closed her
eyes and moaned, her womb flaring to instant, achy life.
The ship suddenly shuddered all over.
"What the hell? Sharmin exclaimed, rolling off of her and sitting bolt up right.
"We've got trouble, buddy! Sylo's voice came to them over the intercom unit.
Sharmin groaned in frustration.
Cole echoed him and got to her feet, grabbed her jumpsuit and began wiggling into it frantically.  This
sucks! she said, having a hard time getting dressed as sweaty, and sticky, as she was.
Climbing to his feet, Sharmin looked at the jumpsuits hopelessly knotted and tied to the bed.  Federation
damn it to hell! That was two of my favorite suits! he exclaimed in dismay.
"How was I supposed to know that? Cole demanded.
Sharmin's lips tightened, but he didn't waste any more time debating the matter. He rushed from the
room. Cole hurried after him.
"We're in deep shit! Sylo ground out as they reached the cock pit.  I tried to out run them, but no
good. They've got us in their tractor beam. He glanced at Hauk and his eyes widened as he couldn't
help but be drawn to Hauk's crotch.  What the hell never mind. I don't want to know what you two've
been doing."
"Don't ask, Hauk said tightly, turning to glare at Cole.
Sylo glanced from Hauk to Cole and back again.  It ain't none of my business, but if I was you, I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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