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information about renting target lists.)
Once you identify the lists of the most probable people or organizations or businesses to target, what do you do with
them? Do you mail them? Do you call them? Do you mail them and call them? Do you mail them an offer for a
purchase? Do you mail them an offer to send for more information? Do you mail them an offer to send for a free
evaluation? Do you invite them to participate in a seminar? Do you invite them to send for a free report? Do you invite
them to come to your booth at a trade show? Do you invite them to come to your office or facility? Do you invite them
to spend some time on the phone?
The answer is yes! You think up what combinations work best for your particular business or professional situation,
and you test. You test the best embodiments, the best possibilities, to see which ones produce the best possible, the
largest, the most qualified, the most unhedged, response-and that's the one you continue with.
Construct your offer. Depending on the product or service you sell, you should find the least expensive way to get the
maximum number of people to raise their hand and say, "Yes, I am interested." What this means can differ by product
or service line. But try to get them to send for a free sample. Or to visit. Or to call. If that's not practical, then you
emphasize the lowest-priced, easiest-to-understand, and most beneficial result your product or service offers.
The Letter or E-mail
Write the sales letter. Understand always: A sales letter is nothing more than a conversation between two friends. One
person gaining knowledge from another-transferring under-standing and information.
The sales letter or E-mail is the sales presentation that piques interest and convinces the prospect to buy, call, write, or
come in. Its objective is the same as your salesperson's to convey your product or service image through examples,
promises, and benefits.
The Components of a Sales Letter
And every written communication is really selling some position.
Here are specific components your sales letter or E-mail should contain:
It must get the reader's attention with a powerful headline. The letter must show clear and distinct advantages in the
body copy.
The letter has to prove or validate your claim of benefits or advantages through factual examples-comparisons,
analysis, testimonials, or credentials.
The letter must persuade the reader to reach out and seize the advantage you promise.
The letter must motivate the reader to act, respond, order, write, come in, or send back the coupon.
If your business is successful, it's probably because you know how to sell. You can adapt those live techniques to direct
mail. If you currently use radio, TV, or print, it's a simple transition to direct mail. If you use salespeople, translating
your oral sales presentation to written form should be easy.
You already know the hot buttons, buzzwords, and strongest propositions for your product or service. Translate them
into the printed page. Create a personal letter that conveys your sincerity and the image that you wish to project. As
much as possible, the letter should replicate a one-on-one, intimate conversation.
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Headlines Are the Key
The headline (or first line) is the ad for the letter. It grabs readers and gets them to read more. Offer the reader a
desirable reward for reading the letter. Tell him how he can gain, save, profit, achieve, or accomplish something
through your product or service. Or show how the product or service will increase mental, physical, financial, social,
spiritual, or intellectual well-being, satisfaction, or fulfillment. Show the reader how to avoid, reduce, or eliminate
problems, risks, difficulties, worries, or fears by using your product or service. In short, what's the big benefit or
advantage to him.
The Body of a Sales Letter
After the salutation, the body of the letter shows people the advantages of your product. The reader wants to know:
"What will the product or service do for me?"
Begin by clearly disclosing a single powerful advantage. Then show more progressive advantages throughout the letter.
When you write the body copy, you are wearing two hats. You want to sell, but you must also put yourself in the shoes
of the reader.
Write the entire letter from the client's side. The consumer wants to know the same things we covered in our discussion
of headlines. Body copy is the same as headlines, only more specific and detailed. Show in words and concrete [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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