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to, rather than when you think you should.
F In other words, no matter how happy or unhappy an individual event may make us, this is just
a temporary state.
G The key, apparently, is not taking your feelings for granted, but rather learning to celebrate them.
H Other scientists, however, maintain that happiness is not so difficult to achieve.
I Such people may be healthier too, since there seems to be a link between happiness and good
IV. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując w lukę odpowiednią formę wyrazu podanego pod
tekstem (1-8). Zdanie (0) stanowi przykład. (0-8 pkt)
Mobile phones may be very (0) ____useful ____ gadgets, but many people find the noise
which they make rather (1) _____________ , especially when they ring at awkward
moments. Others complain about receiving (2) _____________ text messages which often
require great (3) _____________ on the part of the reader because they are written so
(4) _____________ . With this in mind, a new mobile-phone service is being introduced
which aims to bring (5) _____________ , as well as a moment of pause and
(6) _____________ , into the stressful lives of businesspeople. The service will send people
a short daily poem. Some will be (7) _____________ , others more serious, but all will be
(8) _____________ understood.
V. Wybierz, zakreślając kółkiem, jedną z czterech propozycji (a, b, c, d) uzupełnienia
luk w poniższych zdaniach. (0-8 pkt)
1. This kind of _________ quite a lot.
a) furniture cost
b) furniture costs
c) furnitures costs
d) furnitures cost
2. I am afraid the news _________ ; our team lost all the games.
a) is disappointing
b) is disappointed
c) are disappointing
d) are disappointed
3. I m going to _________ by an optometrist tomorrow.
a) examine my eyes
b) have examined my eyes
c) be examined to my eyes
d) have my eyes examined
4. The plumber gave me his cell number _________ I needed to call him.
a) so as to
b) even though
c) in case
d) so that
5. I wish I _________ up watching TV until 2am last night.
a) didn t stay
b) haven t stayed
c) hadn t stayed
d) would have stayed
6. John reminded me _________ candles for the birthday cake.
a) that I bought
b) buying
c) to buy
d) to have bought
7. Tim said that he hadn t heard the door bell because he _________ a shower.
a) took
b) had been taking
c) had taken
d) has been taking
8. If only Ben _________ a bit more interested in his studies!
a) is
b) were
c) would have been
d) could have been [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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