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in silence.
I conducted prayer etc. for your health, long life, peace, prosperity and illumination and
that of your whole family. Respects and pranams to self, venerable parents and adorable sister, Sri
Narayani and small mother and brothers. May Lord bless you. Om Tat Sat.
Thy Own Atman,
Glory to thee! Evergreen glory to thee!
We adore thee! We greet thee!
O, Thou Devi Devaki Kutty!
O, Thou Goddess in disguise!
O, Thou Mother the Mercy itself!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
O, Thou the great lover of Jagadguru Lord Krishna!
O, Thou the worshipper of World Teacher Swami Sivananda!
O, Thou the follower of World beloved
Swami Chidananda, Swami Krishnananda, Swami Madhavananda!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
O, Thou the Light of divinity!
O, Thou the Fountain of purity!
O, Thou the Manifestation of magnanimity, equanimity, regularity and punctuality!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
O, Thou the bestower of spiritual wisdom!
O, Thou the reliever of suffering humanity!
O, Thou the giver of physical and mental health!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
O, Thou the  Crest Jewel among Lady Doctors!
O, Thou the Winner of  Dr. B. C. Roy Award !
O, Thou the  Pride of Doon among all the Doctors.
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
Thy devotion for Gurudeva is very very deep,
Thy dedication to Divine Life Society is too great,
Thy contribution to Sivananda Ashram is supreme.
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
All the members of  Sivananda Matri Satsang
Pray at the Lotus feet of Sadguru Maharaja,
May you ever continue selfless silent services to the mission of Sivananda Bhagavan!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
We wish thee many many more returns of thy Happy Birthday,
Many many more arrivals of the Happier Birthday,
Many many more grand celebrations of the Happiest Birthday!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
O, Thou the Asset of Sivananda Matri Vrinda!
We adore thee!
We greet thee!
Amrit Mahotsava Congratulations to thee!
May we follow thee!
May we ever follow thee!
Sivananda Matri Satsang
Sivananda Ashram
(H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj)
Who is God? What is God? Is there a God? Where is God? How to realise God? Man wants
an answer to these eternal questions. Certainly there is God. God exists. He is the only reality. God
is your creator, saviour and redeemer. He is all-pervading. He dwells in your heart. He is always
near you. He is nearer to you than your jugular vein or nose. He loves you. He can talk to you. You
cannot find God by the intellect. But, you can find Him by feeling, meditation, experience and
Who Is God?
The Petromax does not talk, but it shines and sheds light all round. The jessamine does not
speak, but it wafts its fragrance everywhere. The lighthouse sounds no drum, but sends its friendly
light to the mariner. The Unseen beats no gong, but Its omnipresence is felt by the dispassionate and
discriminating sage.
Behind all names and forms is the one nameless, formless Essence. Behind all governors is
the one Supreme Governor of governors. Behind all lights is the one Light of lights. Behind all
sounds, there is the soundless Supreme Silence. Behind all teachers is the one Supreme Guru of
Behind all these perishable objects is the one imperishable Absolute. Behind all these
motions is the one motionless Infinite. Behind time, minutes, and days is the one timeless Eternity.
Behind hatred, riots and wars is the one hidden Love.
God is the totality of all that exists, both animate and inanimate, sentient and insentient. He
is free from ills and limitations. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He has no
beginning, middle, or end. He is the indweller in all beings. He controls from within.
God is all in all. God is the only reality in this universe. The existence of things is by the light
of God.
God is ever living. All depend on Him. He is not depending on any. He is the Truth.
God is the end or goal of all Yoga Sadhanas. He is the centre towards which all things strive.
He is the highest purpose or highest good of the world. You have the urge of hunger. There is food [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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