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meal preparation with b. Explain how to use the kitchen cleaning 173-174.
supervision if younger materials (e.g., sponges, drying towels, hand Pocket Guide, Cleaning the Kitchen, p. 60.
and without supervision towels). Pocket Guide Instructions, Kitchen & Bathroom, p. 174.
if older. c. Demonstrate the proper use of a dishwasher Ready, Set, Fly! Kitchen Clean Up and Food Storage #2.
(if available). Cleaning 101 
d. Demonstrate how to wash glasses, dishes, http://www.cleaning101.com/welcome.html
pots, pans and utensils by hand. Recycling, Recycling Games, Facts & Educational Activities 
e. Demonstrate proper use of a garbage disposal http://www.recycleroom.org
(if available).
f. Demonstrate proper disposal of food and food
packaging, paying attention to current
recycling requirements.
g. Demonstrate how to clean all kitchen
equipment and surfaces used in meal
Life Skills Guidebook 64
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Describe at least two qualities of a clean FUTURE/PATH, p. 21.
29. Knows and understands house. I m Getting Ready, You Mean I Have to Get Rid of the Ice?
the importance of b. Explain two benefits of maintaining a clean C-2.
household cleanliness. house. I m Getting Ready, Household Materials Scavenger Hunt, C-1,
c. Describe the proper use and storage of C-2.2.
cleaning products. I m Getting Ready, Getting Rid of Unwanted Guests& Pest
d. Identify three cleaning techniques and related Control, C-13.
equipment. I m Getting Ready, Me a Vacuum Cleaner Salesman? C-2.3.
e. Explain what causes sinks and toilets to clog PAYA, Module 1, Home Management, p. 122; 127-133.
and how to unclog them. Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #1.
f. Describe how to defrost a refrigerator. Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #3.
g. Describe how to minimize roaches, mice, and Cleaning 101 
other pests. http://www.cleaning101.com/house/dirt/choosing.html
Safety Information 
on_book/household_cleaners.html (dead link)
a. Demonstrate changing sheets and making Life Skills Activities for Children, Picking Up, p. 153-154.
30. Can keep room clean. beds. Life Skills Activities for Children, Making the Bed, p. 155-
b. Demonstrate proper use of cleaning 156.
equipment and cleaning techniques. Life Skills Activities for Children, Floor Care, p. 157-158.
c. Demonstrate two ways to store personal items PAYA, Module 1, Home Management, p. 122; 127-133.
(e.g., ways to store toys, books, clothes). Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #2.
Ready, Set, Fly! Housing #10.
Cleaning 101 
Life Skills Guidebook 65
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Identify several household chores and the person I Can Do It! Getting Cleaned Up, p. 94-105.
31. Can maintain a clean responsible for completing the task at home. I m Getting Ready, Teach Someone to Clean, C-2.2.
living space. b. Demonstrate proper storage of cleaning products. I m Getting Ready, Me& a Vacuum Cleaner Salesman? C-2.3.
c. Demonstrate proper use of cleaning equipment and I m Getting Ready, I Can Clean it, C-2.4.
cleaning techniques. I m Getting Ready, Take Out the Garbage, C-4.
d. Demonstrate two ways to store personal items. Life Skills Activities for Children, Dusting, p. 159-160.
Making It on Your Own, Cleaning Materials & Equipment, p. 36.
PAYA, Module 1, Home Management, p. 127-133.
Pocket Guide, Cleaning House, p. 60-61.
Pocket Guide Instructions, Cleaning House, p. 175-178.
Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #2.
Social Skills Activities for Children, Doing Chores at Home, p.
Safety Information, Poison Prevention -
a. Explain the benefit of cleaning and changing linens I Can Do It! Getting Cleaned Up, p. 94-105.
32. Can develop and regularly. I m Getting Ready, Setting My Own Cleaning Standard, C-5, C-6.
maintain household b. Describe what needs to be cleaned on a daily, Making It on Your Own, Cleaning House, p.35.
cleaning routine. monthly and seasonal basis. Making It on Your Own, Use Cleaning Supplies, p.35.
c. Demonstrate household cleaning routine for two PAYA, Module 1, Home Management, p. 127-133.
weeks (e.g., changing linens, dusting, sweeping, Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #2.
vacuuming, cleaning toilet). Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning and Clothing Care #5.
Cleaning 101 
a. Describe different methods for cleaning clothes I Can Do It! Wash n Wear, p. 83-93.
33. Can care for clothing (e.g., dry clean, hand wash, machine wash). I m Getting Ready, I Did the Laundry, LG-3.
with supervision if b. Describe steps for machine washing (e.g., Life Skills Activities for Children, Care of Clothing, p. 129-130.
younger. separating colors, pre-treating, application of Life Skills Activities for Children, Washing & Drying Clothes, p.
detergent quantity, bleach, fabric softener, selection 131-132.
of water temperature and washing cycles). Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning #7.
c. Complete two loads of laundry. Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning #8.
d. Demonstrate how to fold and put away clean Ready, Set, Fly! Home Cleaning #9.
Life Skills Guidebook 66
©2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Describe different methods for cleaning FUTURE/PATH, 36.
34. Can care for clothing clothes (e.g., dry clean, hand wash, machine I Can Do It! Wash n Wear, p. 83-93.
without supervision. wash). I m Getting Ready, Rx Stain Prescriptions, LG-1.
b. Interpret information on clothing care labels. I m Getting Ready, Make Your Own Labels, LG 2-1 TO LG-
c. Describe steps for machine washing (e.g., 3.
separating colors, pre-treating, application of I m Getting Ready, I Did the Laundry, LG-3.
detergent quantity, bleach, fabric softener, I m Getting Ready, You Be the Judge, LG-12.
selection of water temperature and washing I m Getting Ready, Protecting Your Clothing, LG 13; LG-14.
cycles). I m Getting Ready, Joe s Shoe Lament, LG-15.
d. Complete two loads of laundry. Life Skills Activities for Children, Care of Clothing, p. 129-
e. Describe steps for ironing clothes. 130.
f. Demonstrate how to fold and put away clean Life Skills Activities for Children, Washing & Drying Clothes,
clothing. p. 131-132. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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