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found even in Summer, by which as it were by vapour and water, black lead is washed and turned
into whitenesse. But in the lowest Valleys and their mines their Chrystalls are found congealed
and hardened out of ice, i.e. the Lapis Specularis, which with Talc is commended for making the
Face white and beautifull if an Oyle be made thereof.
But chiefly there is to be found clear and running Mercury, which being well prepared mends the
Blemishes of Saturn and advanceth Him into the Throne of Jupiter. However, this is not to be
understood of Saturn and Jupiter as they are commonly found (for common Mettalls do not enter
into the Physicall work). But it is said of them, when purged by a long preparation and made
Physicall, that Saturn is the Father of all the Gentiles or rather of all searchers after the Golden
Work and the first Gate of Secrets. By him (says Rhasis in his Epistle) the Gates of Sciences are
opened, to him succeeds his son Jupiter who expelled his Father out of his Kingdom and
dismembered him least he should begett more Sons, and from that member cut off and thrown
into the Sea Venus the most Beautifull of females is born. From Jupiter, who is White Lead
prepared, the rest of the planets are produced; as Mars from Juno, Mercury from Maia the
daughter of Atlas (a mountein in Mauritania), Luna and Sol from Latona. Which four are brought
into the Light by Coction only, which is the work of women.
By Coction is understood the Maturation and Dispersion of the more Crude parts, which is
performed by Vulcan in the Vessells of Philosophye. For it is not to be supposed that it is
common boyling which is the method of operation; it agrees with that only as to its end or intent.
For as a woman Matures Fish in waters- that is, by resolving all superfluous moisture from them
into Waters and Air, softens, boyles and seethes them- so the philosopher handles his subject in
proper water which is stronger than the Sharpest Vinegar by Macerating, Liquifying, Solving,
Coagulating and Mixing it in the Vessell of Hermes, the joints of which as it is requisite are most
strictly closed, least the water exhale and that which is in the Vessell be burnt. This is that Vessell
above the Vessell, and the Philosophers' Pott- the Balneum Laconicum or Vaporous Bath- in
which the old man sweats.
Some there are who Boyle Fish, Lobsters, Crabs and Green Peas in a double Pott, so that the
thinges before mentioned are placed in the upper Pott, Water being only in the Lower, and the
Potts placed one above the other with orbs least the vapour should come forth. By which means
the Vapour of the Water ascending only penetrates and matures the thinges contained, and makes
them much more perfectly soft and tender than if they had been boyled in water. This is the most
Laudable way of the Philosophers, whereby they soften that which is hard, dissolve that which is
compact and rarifye that which is Thick. For it is Air or an insensible Vapour which matures,
decocts and perfects the fruit of Trees, and not water Crude and Cold as it is. It is Air also which
Tinges and Colours the Golden Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides. For if it is well
considered, the Ebullition of Water whereby raw flesh is boyled till it be fit to eat is nothing else
but rarefaction of waters; which bubbles easily vanish away, the Air betaking itself from the
Waters to its own Sphere, and the Water subsiding into its own Centre.
A Collection of Sacred-Magick.Com
Emblem XXIII.
When Pallas was born and Sol was in Conjunction with Venus it rained gold at Rhodes.
The Discourse:
Unlesse it were to be understood Allegorically it would be madnesse to affirm that Gold ever
rained upon the Earth. For there are no Gold-bearing Rivers, nor Mines in the Clouds that it may
possibly be said to be produced there; nor is gold of so little a weight that it may be thought to be
attracted thither by Vapours. But a Trope admitts and excuses all these thinges. For so truly as
Pallas actually sprang from the brain of Jupiter and Sol was joined in Adultery with Venus, so
truly also fell Golden Showers- not as if we any ways doubt that both these have happened, but
that we may remove the literal and vulgar sense from thinges that are spoken Allegorically. For if
we follow the plain words of this Emblem there is nothing more absurd, but if we attend to the
meaning there can be nothing more true. Now Rhodes is an island, at first called Ophiusa from
the Multitude of Serpents, then Rhodes from the Gardens of Roses which flourished there, and
lastly Colossicola from the Colossus of the Sun, which being there was esteemed one of the seven [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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